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1e4+0.2e5+0.42Nf3+0.3Nc6+0.33d40.0exd40.04Nxd40.0Nf60.05Nxc6+0.1bxc6+0.16e50.0Qe70.07Qe2+0.1Nd50.08c40.0Nb6+0.19Nc3+0.2Qe6+0.210Bd20.0d6+0.211f4?!−0.5...Inaccuracy. exd6 was best.11.exd6Nxc411...dxe5−0.212O-O-O−0.5a5?!+0.4Inaccuracy. Bb4 was best.12...Bb413.a313a4?−1.3...Mistake. Re1 was best.13.Re1Nd714.g4[...]13...Ba6?!−0.6Inaccuracy. Bb4 was best.13...Bb414.Qxe514b3−0.7Ba3+−0.215Kb1−0.7O-O−0.316Qxe5−0.4Qxe5−0.417fxe5−0.4Rad8?!+0.7Inaccuracy. Nd7 was best.17...Nd718.Ne4Nxe5[...]18Be2+0.7Bb4+0.619Ne4?!−0.1...Inaccuracy. Kc2 was best.19.Kc2Bc820.Bf4[...]19...Bxd2−0.320Nxd2−0.5Rfe8?!+0.2Inaccuracy. Bc8 was best.20...Bc821.Kb2h6[...]21Ne4?!−0.4...Inaccuracy. Bf3 was best.21.Bf321...Bc8?!+0.5Inaccuracy. Rxd1+ was best.21...Rxd1+22.Rxd122Bf3?!−0.3...Inaccuracy. Nc5 was best.22.Nc5Rxd1+22...Nd7−0.323Rd2?!−0.9...Inaccuracy. e6 was best.23.e6Rxe624.Nc5[...]23...Nxe5−0.924Rhd1−1.2Rxd2−1.025Rxd2−1.0Bf5−1.026Kb2−1.2Kf8?!−0.5Inaccuracy. Nxf3 was best.26...Nxf327Nc5−0.5Nxf3?!0.0Inaccuracy. Rb8 was best.27...Rb828.Kc3g6[...]28gxf30.0Re5+0.429Nd7+?!−0.2...Inaccuracy. Nb7 was best.29.Nb729...Bxd7−0.230Rxd7−0.4Re7−0.531Rd8+−0.6Re8−0.532Rd7−0.3Rc8−0.433Kc3−0.4Ke8−0.534Rd2−0.6Rb8−0.335Rg2−0.8g6−0.836Rg5−0.8f5−0.637h4−0.8Ke7−0.538h5??−2.8...Blunder. Rg2 was best.38.Rg2Kf639.f4[...]38...Kf6−2.739f4−2.6c5−2.740hxg6−2.4hxg6−2.541Rg3−2.1Re8−1.942Rd3−2.2c6??−0.1Blunder. Re4 was best.42...Re443Rd6+−0.1Re6−0.144Rd3??−4.4...Blunder. Rd8 was best.44.Rd8Re3+45.Kc2[...]44...Kg7??0.0Blunder. g5 was best.44...g545Kd2?−1.4...Mistake. Rd7+ was best.45.Rd7+Kf646.Ra7[...]45...Kf6?0.0Mistake. g5 was best.45...g546.fxg546Rd7?−1.3...Mistake. Rd8 was best.46.Rd8Ke747.Ra8[...]46...Re4?0.0Mistake. g5 was best.46...g547Rd6+−0.1Re6−0.148Rd7?!−1.1...Inaccuracy. Rd8 was best.48.Rd8Ke749.Ra8[...]
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2020.06.21"] [White "Poldi_der_Drache"] [Black "jessehf"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [UTCDate "2020.06.21"] [UTCTime "16:01:16"] [WhiteElo "2001"] [BlackElo "2203"] [WhiteRatingDiff "+4"] [BlackRatingDiff "-6"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "1800+30"] [ECO "C45"] [Opening "Scotch Game: Mieses Variation"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nxc6 bxc6 6. e5 { C45 Scotch Game: Mieses Variation } Qe7 7. Qe2 Nd5 8. c4 Nb6 9. Nc3 Qe6 10. Bd2 d6 11. f4?! { (0.17 → -0.52) Inaccuracy. exd6 was best. } (11. exd6 Nxc4) 11... dxe5 12. O-O-O a5?! { (-0.55 → 0.35) Inaccuracy. Bb4 was best. } (12... Bb4 13. a3) 13. a4? { (0.35 → -1.30) Mistake. Re1 was best. } (13. Re1 Nd7 14. g4 Bb4 15. a3 Bxc3 16. Bxc3 O-O 17. f5 Qe7 18. Bg2 Bb7 19. Kb1 f6) 13... Ba6?! { (-1.30 → -0.57) Inaccuracy. Bb4 was best. } (13... Bb4 14. Qxe5) 14. b3 Ba3+ 15. Kb1 O-O 16. Qxe5 Qxe5 17. fxe5 Rad8?! { (-0.38 → 0.69) Inaccuracy. Nd7 was best. } (17... Nd7 18. Ne4 Nxe5 19. Bxa5 Bxc4 20. Bxc4 Rxa5 21. Nd2 Rb8 22. Ka2 Bb4 23. Be2 Rc5 24. Nc4) 18. Be2 Bb4 19. Ne4?! { (0.59 → -0.14) Inaccuracy. Kc2 was best. } (19. Kc2 Bc8 20. Bf4 Bf5+ 21. Kb2 Nd7 22. g4 Be6 23. Ne4 h6 24. h3 Rfe8 25. Kc2 Nf8) 19... Bxd2 20. Nxd2 Rfe8?! { (-0.47 → 0.21) Inaccuracy. Bc8 was best. } (20... Bc8 21. Kb2 h6 22. Nf3 c5 23. Bd3 Bb7 24. Bf5 Rfe8 25. Rxd8 Rxd8 26. e6 Kf8 27. Kc2) 21. Ne4?! { (0.21 → -0.40) Inaccuracy. Bf3 was best. } (21. Bf3) 21... Bc8?! { (-0.40 → 0.45) Inaccuracy. Rxd1+ was best. } (21... Rxd1+ 22. Rxd1) 22. Bf3?! { (0.45 → -0.33) Inaccuracy. Nc5 was best. } (22. Nc5 Rxd1+) 22... Nd7 23. Rd2?! { (-0.32 → -0.93) Inaccuracy. e6 was best. } (23. e6 Rxe6 24. Nc5 Rd6 25. Nxd7 Bxd7 26. c5 Re6 27. Kb2 Kf8 28. Rd4 Ke7 29. Rhd1 g6) 23... Nxe5 24. Rhd1 Rxd2 25. Rxd2 Bf5 26. Kb2 Kf8?! { (-1.25 → -0.54) Inaccuracy. Nxf3 was best. } (26... Nxf3) 27. Nc5 Nxf3?! { (-0.55 → 0.00) Inaccuracy. Rb8 was best. } (27... Rb8 28. Kc3 g6 29. Bd1 Ke7 30. Na6 Rb7 31. h3 h5 32. Be2 Bc8 33. Bd3 Nxd3 34. Rxd3) 28. gxf3 Re5 29. Nd7+?! { (0.40 → -0.23) Inaccuracy. Nb7 was best. } (29. Nb7) 29... Bxd7 30. Rxd7 Re7 31. Rd8+ Re8 32. Rd7 Rc8 33. Kc3 Ke8 34. Rd2 Rb8 35. Rg2 g6 36. Rg5 f5 37. h4 Ke7 38. h5?? { (-0.51 → -2.78) Blunder. Rg2 was best. } (38. Rg2 Kf6 39. f4 h6 40. Rg1 c5 41. Rd1 Re8 42. Rd5 Re3+ 43. Kd2 Rf3 44. Rxc5 Rxf4) 38... Kf6 39. f4 c5 40. hxg6 hxg6 41. Rg3 Re8 42. Rd3 c6?? { (-2.19 → -0.14) Blunder. Re4 was best. } (42... Re4) 43. Rd6+ Re6 44. Rd3?? { (-0.13 → -4.37) Blunder. Rd8 was best. } (44. Rd8 Re3+ 45. Kc2 Ke7 46. Ra8 Rf3 47. Rxa5 Kd6 48. Ra7 Rxf4 49. Rg7 Rf2+ 50. Kd3 Rg2) 44... Kg7?? { (-4.37 → 0.00) Blunder. g5 was best. } (44... g5) 45. Kd2? { (0.00 → -1.40) Mistake. Rd7+ was best. } (45. Rd7+ Kf6 46. Ra7 g5 47. fxg5+ Kxg5 48. Rxa5 f4 49. Ra7 Kf6 50. Kd2 f3 51. Ra8 Re2+) 45... Kf6? { (-1.40 → 0.00) Mistake. g5 was best. } (45... g5 46. fxg5) 46. Rd7? { (0.00 → -1.33) Mistake. Rd8 was best. } (46. Rd8 Ke7 47. Ra8 Kd6 48. Rxa5 Re4 49. Ra8 Rxf4 50. Rg8 Rf2+ 51. Ke3 Rb2 52. Kf4 Rxb3) 46... Re4? { (-1.33 → 0.00) Mistake. g5 was best. } (46... g5) 47. Rd6+ Re6 48. Rd7?! { (-0.13 → -1.11) Inaccuracy. Rd8 was best. } { The game is a draw. } (48. Rd8 Ke7 49. Ra8 Kd6 50. Rxa5 Re4 51. Ra8 Rxf4 52. Rg8 Rf2+ 53. Ke3 Rg2 54. a5 g5) 1/2-1/2
7 inaccuracies
3 mistakes
2 blunders
41 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
7 inaccuracies
2 mistakes
2 blunders
38 Average centipawn loss
  1. Black offers draw
  2. Draw offer accepted
  3. Poldi_der_Drache was thinking you might play g5 but i am not sure if that would be good
  4. Poldi_der_Drache then I thought Ra7 was my only chance
  5. jessehf g5 fxg5 Kxg5 Ra7
  6. jessehf yeah you are in time because your king on d2 is close
  7. jessehf enough to help in stopping my f pawn
  8. Poldi_der_Drache tahts what i calcuated but i wasnt entirely sure
  9. Poldi_der_Drache ok
  10. jessehf also my king on g5 is exposed to checks when you capture on c5
  11. Poldi_der_Drache yeah
  12. jessehf uh earlier it would have worked
  13. Poldi_der_Drache when?
  14. jessehf move 44
  15. jessehf g5
  16. jessehf now your king is not time maybe
  17. Poldi_der_Drache hm
  18. jessehf also your rook is really passive
  19. jessehf i should have spent a bit more time there
  20. Poldi_der_Drache yeah i was kind scared of Re4
  21. jessehf i was so focused on getting two connected passers that i didnt even consider g5
  22. Poldi_der_Drache oh...
  23. jessehf yeah but you played well solid game and great defense with almost no time in the end
  24. Poldi_der_Drache and what about your plan of getting your king to g4? u started it and then you went back it surprised me lol
  25. jessehf Kh6 Rh3+
  26. jessehf i have to go back anyways
  27. Poldi_der_Drache thats true
  28. Poldi_der_Drache but then Re4?
  29. jessehf but you have an extra move
  30. jessehf for instance Kh6 Rh3+ Kg7 it is your move
  31. Poldi_der_Drache then back to Rd3
  32. jessehf yeah exactly
  33. jessehf very well defended i missed my chance there
  34. Poldi_der_Drache thanks
  35. jessehf when i didnt go for g5
  36. Poldi_der_Drache yeah
  37. jessehf ok see you gl for your remaining games
  38. Poldi_der_Drache u2