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1d4+0.2Nf6+0.22Bf4+0.2e6+0.23e3+0.2c5+0.14c3+0.1Nc6+0.15Nd2+0.1Be7+0.26Bd3+0.1O-O+0.17h3+0.1d6+0.38dxc5+0.2dxc5+0.39Ne4?!−0.5...Inaccuracy. Qc2 was best.9.Qc2Bd69...e5?!+0.1Inaccuracy. Nd5 was best.9...Nd510.Bh2f5[...]10Bg3−0.2Nd5−0.111Nf3−0.3f50.012Bc4−0.1Be60.013Neg5−0.2Bxg50.014Nxg5−0.1Qxg50.015Bxd50.0Rae8+0.116Bxe6++0.1Rxe60.017Qd50.0Re8+0.218O-O-O+0.3Qg6?!+0.8Inaccuracy. b6 was best.18...b619.Qc4Qg6[...]19Qxc5+0.8f4+0.920exf4+0.8Nd4+1.221cxd4??−1.5...Blunder. Rd2 was best.21.Rd2Qe422.fxe5[...]21...Rc6−1.522fxe5−1.7Rec8−1.323Qxc6??−8.1...Blunder. Kd2 was best.23.Kd2Rxc523...Rxc6+−8.024Kd2−7.9Qe4−7.825Rhe1?#−1...Checkmate is now unavoidable. Rc1 was best.25.Rc1Qxd4+26.Ke2[...]25...Rc2#
Checkmate • Black is victorious
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2017.03.18"] [White "blaser"] [Black "CitronSauvage"] [Result "0-1"] [GameId "Rc9U7LvZ"] [UTCDate "2017.03.18"] [UTCTime "21:01:19"] [WhiteElo "1746"] [BlackElo "2020"] [WhiteRatingDiff "-6"] [BlackRatingDiff "+4"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "1800+30"] [ECO "A45"] [Opening "Indian Defense"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. d4 Nf6 { A45 Indian Defense } 2. Bf4 e6 3. e3 c5 4. c3 Nc6 5. Nd2 Be7 6. Bd3 O-O 7. h3 d6 8. dxc5 dxc5 9. Ne4?! { (0.31 → -0.51) Inaccuracy. Qc2 was best. } (9. Qc2 Bd6) 9... e5?! { (-0.51 → 0.10) Inaccuracy. Nd5 was best. } (9... Nd5 10. Bh2 f5 11. Ng3 f4 12. exf4 Nxf4 13. Be4 Ne5 14. Qxd8 Rxd8 15. b3 c4 16. N1e2) 10. Bg3 Nd5 11. Nf3 f5 12. Bc4 Be6 13. Neg5 Bxg5 14. Nxg5 Qxg5 15. Bxd5 Rae8 16. Bxe6+ Rxe6 17. Qd5 Re8 18. O-O-O Qg6?! { (0.25 → 0.80) Inaccuracy. b6 was best. } (18... b6 19. Qc4 Qg6 20. Rd7 f4 21. exf4 exf4 22. Bxf4 Kh8 23. g3 Re2 24. Qd3 Qxd3 25. Rxd3) 19. Qxc5 f4 20. exf4 Nd4 21. cxd4?? { (1.21 → -1.55) Blunder. Rd2 was best. } (21. Rd2 Qe4 22. fxe5 Ne2+ 23. Rxe2 Qxe2 24. Qxa7 Qe4 25. Rd1 Qxg2 26. h4 Qe4 27. Qc5 Qc6) 21... Rc6 22. fxe5 Rec8 23. Qxc6?? { (-1.26 → -8.07) Blunder. Kd2 was best. } (23. Kd2 Rxc5) 23... Rxc6+ 24. Kd2 Qe4 25. Rhe1? { (-7.79 → Mate in 1) Checkmate is now unavoidable. Rc1 was best. } (25. Rc1 Qxd4+ 26. Ke2 Qxb2+ 27. Kf3 Rxc1 28. Rxc1 Qxc1 29. Bf4 Qa3+ 30. Be3 Qxa2 31. Kg3 b6) 25... Rc2# { Black wins by checkmate. } 0-1
1 Inaccuracy
1 Mistake
2 Blunders
57 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
2 Inaccuracies
0 Mistakes
0 Blunders
16 Average centipawn loss
  1. blaser why didnt i see Rd2
  2. CitronSauvage yes ?
  3. CitronSauvage I was asking myself too
  4. blaser wow
  5. CitronSauvage in the opening you moved twice your knight so it should bebad
  6. CitronSauvage I had to play Nd5 but just saw after I played e5
  7. blaser yeah it was not best
  8. CitronSauvage I think there is not much to say, you missed Rd2
  9. blaser u r right
  10. blaser also i couldve done Rxd4
  11. CitronSauvage yes
  12. blaser but its still bad for me
  13. blaser but yeah Rd2
  14. CitronSauvage I thought you would play 23.b5
  15. blaser what does b5 do
  16. CitronSauvage But actually the computer suggests Kd2
  17. blaser oh on move 23
  18. CitronSauvage I'm threatening to take the Queen
  19. blaser thats b4 isnt it
  20. CitronSauvage oh sorry yes b4
  21. blaser then you play b6
  22. blaser and i have to take rook anyway
  23. CitronSauvage yes that's what I saw
  24. CitronSauvage Kd2 was hard to find
  25. blaser you mean 23.Kd2
  26. CitronSauvage yes
  27. blaser yeah its definitely an improvement over what i did lol
  28. blaser but its still really bad the pawns are weak
  29. CitronSauvage but your king is still unsafe
  30. CitronSauvage the position is opened and I have a queen so ...
  31. blaser yep
  32. CitronSauvage Nothing more ?
  33. CitronSauvage So thanks for this game and good luck for the last round !
  34. blaser dont really see anythin elswe
  35. blaser thanks man
  36. blaser you 2
  37. CitronSauvage bye
  38. blaser cya