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1c4+0.2c6+0.32Nf3+0.3d5+0.43e3+0.3Nf6+0.14Nc3+0.2e6+0.35d4+0.1Nbd7+0.26Qc2+0.4Bd6+0.57Be2+0.2dxc4+0.48Bxc4+0.3b5+0.39Be2+0.2Bb7+0.510O-O+0.2O-O+0.211e4+0.2e5+0.112dxe50.0Nxe5+0.313Nxe5−0.2Bxe5−0.214Bg5−0.2Qd6?!+0.7Inaccuracy. Re8 was best.14...Re815.Rad115Rad1+0.2Qe6+0.316f4?−0.8...Mistake. f3 was best.16.f316...Bc7??+1.0Blunder. Bxc3 was best.16...Bxc317.e5Nd5[...]17Bxf6+0.5Qxf6?!+1.1Inaccuracy. gxf6 was best.17...gxf618.Rd3Kh8[...]18Rd7+1.2Bb6++1.219Kh1+1.2Bc8+1.120e5+1.2Qh4+1.121Rd6+1.1Be3?!+1.9Inaccuracy. g6 was best.21...g622.Ne422Rd3??−1.3...Blunder. Qe4 was best.22.Qe422...Bf5−1.223Rf3?!−2.0...Inaccuracy. g3 was best.23.g323...Bxd3?!−1.2Inaccuracy. Bb6 was best.23...Bb624Qxd3?!−2.4...Inaccuracy. Bxd3 was best.24.Bxd3Qe1+25.Rf1[...]24...Bb6?!−1.5Inaccuracy. Qe1+ was best.24...Qe1+25.Rf1Qd2[...]25Rh3??−4.1...Blunder. Ne4 was best.25.Ne425...Qe1+−4.226Bf1−4.2g6−3.627Ne4?!−4.6...Inaccuracy. Rf3 was best.27.Rf3Rfd828.Qe4[...]27...Kg7?!−3.1Inaccuracy. Rfd8 was best.27...Rfd828.Qe2Rd1[...]28Nf6−3.8h5−3.929Nxh5+−4.2gxh5−4.230Rxh5−5.0f5??#3Checkmate is now unavoidable. Rfd8 was best.30...Rfd831.Qh7+Kf8[...]31Rg5+#2Kf7#132Qd7#
Checkmate • White is victorious
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2023.05.13"] [White "TrainingGrounds"] [Black "CanIUndoThatMove"] [Result "1-0"] [UTCDate "2023.05.13"] [UTCTime "19:59:22"] [WhiteElo "2017"] [BlackElo "2076"] [WhiteRatingDiff "+29"] [BlackRatingDiff "-18"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "2700+45"] [ECO "D45"] [Opening "Semi-Slav Defense: Stoltz Variation"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. c4 c6 2. Nf3 d5 3. e3 Nf6 4. Nc3 e6 5. d4 Nbd7 6. Qc2 { D45 Semi-Slav Defense: Stoltz Variation } Bd6 7. Be2 dxc4 8. Bxc4 b5 9. Be2 Bb7 10. O-O O-O 11. e4 e5 12. dxe5 Nxe5 13. Nxe5 Bxe5 14. Bg5 Qd6?! { (-0.17 → 0.72) Inaccuracy. Re8 was best. } (14... Re8 15. Rad1) 15. Rad1 Qe6 16. f4? { (0.30 → -0.83) Mistake. f3 was best. } (16. f3) 16... Bc7?? { (-0.83 → 0.98) Blunder. Bxc3 was best. } (16... Bxc3 17. e5 Nd5 18. bxc3 Ne3 19. Qb2 Nxf1 20. Rd6 Qc8 21. Bxf1 h6 22. Be7 Re8 23. Bh4) 17. Bxf6 Qxf6?! { (0.46 → 1.14) Inaccuracy. gxf6 was best. } (17... gxf6 18. Rd3 Kh8 19. Kh1 Rg8 20. Rh3 Rg7 21. e5 c5 22. Bf3 Bxf3 23. Rfxf3 fxe5 24. f5) 18. Rd7 Bb6+ 19. Kh1 Bc8 20. e5 Qh4 21. Rd6 Be3?! { (1.14 → 1.94) Inaccuracy. g6 was best. } (21... g6 22. Ne4) 22. Rd3?? { (1.94 → -1.32) Blunder. Qe4 was best. } (22. Qe4) 22... Bf5 23. Rf3?! { (-1.24 → -2.00) Inaccuracy. g3 was best. } (23. g3) 23... Bxd3?! { (-2.00 → -1.25) Inaccuracy. Bb6 was best. } (23... Bb6) 24. Qxd3?! { (-1.25 → -2.44) Inaccuracy. Bxd3 was best. } (24. Bxd3 Qe1+ 25. Rf1 Qd2 26. Bxh7+ Kh8 27. Qf5 g6 28. Qh3 Kg7 29. Rd1 Qf2 30. Bxg6 Rh8) 24... Bb6?! { (-2.44 → -1.51) Inaccuracy. Qe1+ was best. } (24... Qe1+ 25. Rf1 Qd2 26. Qe4 Rad8 27. Qf3 Bb6 28. Ne4 Qe3 29. h4 Qxf3 30. Bxf3 Rd4 31. h5) 25. Rh3?? { (-1.51 → -4.14) Blunder. Ne4 was best. } (25. Ne4) 25... Qe1+ 26. Bf1 g6 27. Ne4?! { (-3.63 → -4.63) Inaccuracy. Rf3 was best. } (27. Rf3 Rfd8 28. Qe4 Rd1 29. g3 Qxe4 30. Nxe4 Re1 31. Nf6+ Kg7 32. Kg2 Rd8 33. Kh3 Rd2) 27... Kg7?! { (-4.63 → -3.13) Inaccuracy. Rfd8 was best. } (27... Rfd8 28. Qe2 Rd1 29. Qxe1 Rxe1 30. Nf6+ Kf8 31. Rf3 Rd8 32. g3 Rd2 33. Nxh7+ Ke7 34. h4) 28. Nf6 h5 29. Nxh5+ gxh5 30. Rxh5 f5?? { (-4.98 → Mate in 3) Checkmate is now unavoidable. Rfd8 was best. } (30... Rfd8 31. Qh7+ Kf8 32. Qh6+ Ke7 33. Qf6+ Kd7 34. Qd6+ Kc8 35. Qxc6+ Kb8 36. Qf3 Rd1 37. g4) 31. Rg5+ Kf7 32. Qd7# { White wins by checkmate. } 1-0
3 inaccuracies
1 mistake
2 blunders
46 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
6 inaccuracies
0 mistakes
2 blunders
78 Average centipawn loss
  1. Duff3798 Gl Undo!!
  2. CanIUndoThatMove (9...Bb7) happy with the opening, I've got the pretty simple plan of just O-O and e5 coming up
  3. LegendsNeverDye Lol. Why you are talking here while you playing?
  4. CanIUndoThatMove (13...Bxe5) this has to be favorable for Black
  5. CanIUndoThatMove (14.Bg5) debating Qb6, Qd6, or h6
  6. CanIUndoThatMove (16...Bc7) Bxf6 gxf6!? would be interesting, opening the g file
  7. CanIUndoThatMove (16...Bc7) but probably bad
  8. Zubenelgenubi (16...Bc7) go Undo!
  9. Zubenelgenubi (16...Bc7) hi all
  10. CanIUndoThatMove (18.Rd7) I thought I could just easily evict the rook with Bb6 Bc8?
  11. Zubenelgenubi (18.Rd7) that seems right
  12. CanIUndoThatMove (18.Rd7) I guess my DSB moves off an ideal square though
  13. Zubenelgenubi (20.e5) how dangerous is this?
  14. CanIUndoThatMove (21.Rd6) I think I actually want them to take on c6
  15. Zubenelgenubi (21...Be3) Qe4 maybe now?
  16. CanIUndoThatMove (22.Rd3) trying to find something better than an exchange. If Bf5 I'm up material but my attack ends I think
  17. CanIUndoThatMove (23.Rf3) weird that my bishop isn't hanging here
  18. Zubenelgenubi (29.Nxh5+) ouch
  19. Zubenelgenubi (29...gxh5) hmmm
  20. Zubenelgenubi (30.Rxh5) (30.RQf2 is a nasty threat if there is no mate
  21. salof (30.Rxh5) is there not Qf2 Rg5+ Kh6/7/8 Qh3#?
  22. salof so not sure Qf2 would work
  23. Zubenelgenubi (30...f5) not now
  24. Zubenelgenubi (30...f5) after defending Qh7
  25. salof ah I see
  26. salof king looks very open here
  27. Zubenelgenubi (30...f5) maybe Rg8 first, but king looks wide open yes
  28. Zubenelgenubi (30...f5) just pointing out the threat
  29. salof yeah really shows how sharp this is
  30. salof is exf6+ a win?
  31. Zubenelgenubi (30...f5) problem for bl. is that it threatens Qh7 again
  32. salof exf6+ Kxf6 forced I think
  33. CanIUndoThatMove (30...f5) ah damn just realized that loses
  34. Zubenelgenubi (30...f5) that's why I was thinking Rg8 to try to hide the king, and threaten Qf2
  35. Zubenelgenubi (30...f5) but not sure that worked either
  36. Zubenelgenubi (30...f5) @salof
  37. salof hm
  38. salof ggs
  39. Zubenelgenubi gg
  40. salof 30...Rfd8 was apparently only move crazt
  41. CanIUndoThatMove oof, -9 to #3.
  42. salof crazy*
  43. Zubenelgenubi yep Rg8 was Rg5 mating again