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1e40.0e5+0.42Nf3+0.3Nf6+0.63Nxe5+0.5d6+0.54Nxf7?−0.8...Mistake. Nf3 was best.4.Nf3Nxe45.d4[...]4...Kxf7−1.15Bc4+−1.6Be6??+0.2Blunder. d5 was best.5...d56.exd5Bd6[...]6Bxe6+−0.1Kxe6−0.17d4−0.4c5?!+0.4Inaccuracy. Kf7 was best.7...Kf78.Nd2c5[...]8dxc5?!−0.4...Inaccuracy. c3 was best.8.c3Kf79.O-O[...]8...Qa5++0.19Nc3?!−0.6...Inaccuracy. c3 was best.9.c3Qxc510.Be3[...]9...Qxc5−0.710Be3−0.3Qc60.011Qf30.0Nbd7+0.312Qf5+?−1.4...Mistake. g4 was best.12.g4Ne512...Kf7−1.113O-O-O−1.3Be7?−0.2Mistake. g6 was best.13...g614Nd5?−1.8...Mistake. g4 was best.14.g4g614...Rac8−1.715c3−1.6Nb6?!−0.6Inaccuracy. Qc4 was best.15...Qc416.Nxe716Nxe7−0.5Kxe7−0.217e5??−2.3...Blunder. Bd4 was best.17.Bd417...dxe5−2.318Qxe5+−2.4Qe6?−1.1Mistake. Kf7 was best.18...Kf719Bc5+−1.0Kf7−0.920Qd4??−4.7...Blunder. Qxe6+ was best.20.Qxe6+20...Rhd8?!−3.1Inaccuracy. Rhe8 was best.20...Rhe821Qb4?!−4.7...Inaccuracy. Qe3 was best.21.Qe3Rxd1+21...Qxa2−4.022Kc2?−6.8...Mistake. Qa3 was best.22.Qa322...Nfd5−5.223Qe4?−18.0...Mistake. Qa3 was best.23.Qa323...Rxc5−17.724Qf5+−17.5Nf6??−3.1Blunder. Kg8 was best.24...Kg825Qxc5−3.1Qa4+−2.726Kc1−3.1Rxd1+?!−2.1Inaccuracy. Re8 was best.26...Re827.Qf527Rxd1−2.3Qf4+??−0.5Blunder. Qa1+ was best.27...Qa1+28Kc2?!−1.3...Inaccuracy. Qe3 was best.28.Qe328...Ne4?+0.1Mistake. Qe4+ was best.28...Qe4+29.Kc129Qh5++0.1Kf60.030Kb3−0.3Qxf20.031Qxh7??−2.5...Blunder. Rd4 was best.31.Rd4Ng532.Qe8[...]31...Nc5+−2.732Ka2??−7.2...Blunder. Ka3 was best.32.Ka332...Nc4??−1.5Blunder. Nba4 was best.32...Nba433Rb1−1.7Na4?0.0Mistake. Nd2 was best.33...Nd234.Qh834Qe4??#−11...Checkmate is now unavoidable. Qg8 was best.34.Qg8Nxc3+35.Ka1[...]34...Nxc3+#−10
White resigned • Black is victorious
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2020.09.08"] [White "aidantmehigan"] [Black "lyqst"] [Result "0-1"] [UTCDate "2020.09.08"] [UTCTime "22:13:32"] [WhiteElo "1775"] [BlackElo "1804"] [WhiteRatingDiff "-5"] [BlackRatingDiff "+11"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "1800+30"] [ECO "C42"] [Opening "Petrov's Defense: Cochrane Gambit, Bishop Check Line"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Nxe5 d6 4. Nxf7? { (0.53 → -0.77) Mistake. Nf3 was best. } (4. Nf3 Nxe4 5. d4 Be7 6. Bd3 d5 7. O-O Nc6 8. Nc3 f5) 4... Kxf7 5. Bc4+ { C42 Petrov's Defense: Cochrane Gambit, Bishop Check Line } Be6?? { (-1.57 → 0.23) Blunder. d5 was best. } (5... d5 6. exd5 Bd6 7. O-O Rf8 8. d4 Kg8 9. Nc3 Nbd7 10. Nb5) 6. Bxe6+ Kxe6 7. d4 c5?! { (-0.39 → 0.40) Inaccuracy. Kf7 was best. } (7... Kf7 8. Nd2 c5 9. e5 Qe7 10. Qe2 Nc6 11. exf6 Qxe2+ 12. Kxe2) 8. dxc5?! { (0.40 → -0.40) Inaccuracy. c3 was best. } (8. c3 Kf7 9. O-O Be7 10. Nd2 Qd7 11. e5 dxe5 12. dxe5 Nd5) 8... Qa5+ 9. Nc3?! { (0.09 → -0.62) Inaccuracy. c3 was best. } (9. c3 Qxc5 10. Be3 Qb5 11. a4 Qc6 12. O-O Nbd7 13. Nd2 Kf7 14. Bd4 Re8 15. Re1 Kg8) 9... Qxc5 10. Be3 Qc6 11. Qf3 Nbd7 12. Qf5+? { (0.25 → -1.37) Mistake. g4 was best. } (12. g4 Ne5) 12... Kf7 13. O-O-O Be7? { (-1.34 → -0.21) Mistake. g6 was best. } (13... g6) 14. Nd5? { (-0.21 → -1.80) Mistake. g4 was best. } (14. g4 g6) 14... Rac8 15. c3 Nb6?! { (-1.56 → -0.64) Inaccuracy. Qc4 was best. } (15... Qc4 16. Nxe7) 16. Nxe7 Kxe7 17. e5?? { (-0.22 → -2.34) Blunder. Bd4 was best. } (17. Bd4) 17... dxe5 18. Qxe5+ Qe6? { (-2.45 → -1.06) Mistake. Kf7 was best. } (18... Kf7) 19. Bc5+ Kf7 20. Qd4?? { (-0.90 → -4.67) Blunder. Qxe6+ was best. } (20. Qxe6+) 20... Rhd8?! { (-4.67 → -3.07) Inaccuracy. Rhe8 was best. } (20... Rhe8) 21. Qb4?! { (-3.07 → -4.74) Inaccuracy. Qe3 was best. } (21. Qe3 Rxd1+) 21... Qxa2 22. Kc2? { (-3.97 → -6.80) Mistake. Qa3 was best. } (22. Qa3) 22... Nfd5 23. Qe4? { (-5.20 → -17.98) Mistake. Qa3 was best. } (23. Qa3) 23... Rxc5 24. Qf5+ Nf6?? { (-17.53 → -3.07) Blunder. Kg8 was best. } (24... Kg8) 25. Qxc5 Qa4+ 26. Kc1 Rxd1+?! { (-3.13 → -2.09) Inaccuracy. Re8 was best. } (26... Re8 27. Qf5) 27. Rxd1 Qf4+?? { (-2.32 → -0.53) Blunder. Qa1+ was best. } (27... Qa1+) 28. Kc2?! { (-0.53 → -1.35) Inaccuracy. Qe3 was best. } (28. Qe3) 28... Ne4? { (-1.35 → 0.12) Mistake. Qe4+ was best. } (28... Qe4+ 29. Kc1) 29. Qh5+ Kf6 30. Kb3 Qxf2 31. Qxh7?? { (0.00 → -2.49) Blunder. Rd4 was best. } (31. Rd4 Ng5 32. Qe8 Ne6 33. Rd6 Qf5 34. Ka2 Qe4 35. Qf8+ Ke5 36. Qb8 Nd5 37. Rd7+ Kf6) 31... Nc5+ 32. Ka2?? { (-2.70 → -7.23) Blunder. Ka3 was best. } (32. Ka3) 32... Nc4?? { (-7.23 → -1.46) Blunder. Nba4 was best. } (32... Nba4) 33. Rb1 Na4? { (-1.67 → 0.00) Mistake. Nd2 was best. } (33... Nd2 34. Qh8) 34. Qe4?? { (0.00 → Mate in 11) Checkmate is now unavoidable. Qg8 was best. } (34. Qg8 Nxc3+ 35. Ka1 Qb6 36. Rf1+ Kg6 37. Qf7+ Kh7 38. Qh5+ Kg8 39. Qe8+ Kh7) 34... Nxc3+ { White resigns. } 0-1
4 inaccuracies
5 mistakes
5 blunders
124 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
4 inaccuracies
4 mistakes
4 blunders
94 Average centipawn loss
  1. kcacgt (7) yes!!!!
  2. MrScribbles Whoa. 7...c5
  3. MrScribbles Goooooooo gambits!
  4. kcacgt (7) Cochrane gambit best gambit
  5. MrScribbles Does Black know theory here? If not, having 32 minutes on move 7 with your King on e6 probably isn't a good idea.
  6. MrScribbles slow downnnnn
  7. gavalanche20 We're in book so far according to the Lichess database
  8. MrScribbles Which side scores better?
  9. gavalanche20 Surprisingly White scores 58% after Qxc5
  10. MrScribbles At like 1600-1800 Classical
  11. MrScribbles ok
  12. kcacgt (9) Not surprisingly.
  13. MrScribbles I don't quite see what White has, but I look forward to them showing me. 9...Qxc5
  14. gavalanche20 Yoinks but if you filter to 1600-1800 it goes down to 20% for White :P
  15. MrScribbles big oof.
  16. MrScribbles So it just scores really well in fast time controls? Or only for higher rated players?
  17. MrScribbles I guess I could look myself.
  18. Chewbacca_Defense (10) Looks like castling was preferred to Be3
  19. gavalanche20 Winning percentages appear to plummet in longer time controls, and I guess it's not hard to see why
  20. MrScribbles Some crazy gambits do great in slow games, even better than blitz in some cases.
  21. gavalanche20 But two pawns for a wide open king and active pieces? I suppose you could have worse comp
  22. kcacgt (10) I'd say white was objectively better tbh
  23. Chewbacca_Defense (10) Yeah honestly feels like the comp is there tho not clear how to capitalize
  24. kcacgt (10) I didn't like dxc5
  25. gavalanche20 Then again if there was a clear continuation on move 10 this gambit would be played more
  26. Chewbacca_Defense (10) give Scribbles some time
  27. kcacgt (10) Qf3, 0-0-0
  28. MrScribbles Lol. I'm multitasking so I'm mostly along for the ride.
  29. gavalanche20 I think people would be scared to play the Petroff against Scribbles
  30. gavalanche20 Because you already know he'll just transpose to Four Knights
  31. MrScribbles I also still play the Danish almost exclusively, so they won't get many chances. :)
  32. MrScribbles 11...Kd7? Aiming for c7
  33. gavalanche20 Qf5+ any good to stop that?
  34. gavalanche20 Oh but it's Black's turn
  35. kcacgt (11) white's got a huge development lead though
  36. MrScribbles Long castle incoming. 11.Qf3
  37. kcacgt (11) yup 0-0-0!
  38. MrScribbles Anything better though? 11...Nbd7
  39. MrScribbles I'm not sure 12. .long castles is fast enough
  40. kcacgt (12) Hmm, maybe this followed by g4
  41. MrScribbles If 13.g4 maybe ...g6?
  42. MrScribbles What a fun game.
  43. MrScribbles Does aidantmehigan always play like this?
  44. kcacgt (12) Good to find a new member of the gambit gang!
  45. kcacgt (13) g4, cmon!
  46. MrScribbles 14.g4 g6, what's your response kcacgt?
  47. MrScribbles well ok hmm
  48. MrScribbles yeah Black King just goes to g7 there
  49. kcacgt (14) Qf4 keep the pressure on @scribs
  50. kcacgt (14) this allows Rhc8 though, me no like
  51. maxivgc The white player is a fucking legend
  52. maxivgc He just has to be careful not to turn into a fucking legend who is just a piece down
  53. MrScribbles @maxi does aidan always play like this, then?
  54. gavalanche20 (15) But then if you're not a piece down, were you ever a legend? /s
  55. maxivgc I dont see a good move for white after Re8 :(
  56. kcacgt (15) Yeah :(
  57. kcacgt (15) Nd5 was a bit slow I think
  58. maxivgc Usually in this opening you get a huge center, black has akward developement and all your pieces get to their ideal squares quickly
  59. maxivgc Now without the center and black having good developement as well i think objectivly white might already be lost
  60. kcacgt (15) Lost may be a bit strong, but yeah agreed
  61. maxivgc After Nb6 the dynamic changed again tough
  62. kcacgt (17) what's the follow up here?
  63. maxivgc Now it feels like white is better again lol
  64. kcacgt (18) Kf7 and then?
  65. maxivgc Rd6
  66. kcacgt (18) Ah nice!
  67. maxivgc Think Nb6 was a blunder. Prolly Re8 instead and black castles artificially
  68. maxivgc Does this work
  69. gavalanche20 I don't see any deflection tactics anyway
  70. kcacgt (18) Bc5+ looks tasty
  71. kcacgt (18) dunno if it does much though
  72. maxivgc Yeah Bc5 is what im thinkimg
  73. maxivgc The move your queen somewhere and Rhe1
  74. electricbutter (18) bc5 is check the king will move, so no discovery pin
  75. maxivgc or bc5 qxq kxq rhe1+
  76. kcacgt (19) Yeah Qa5 looks the only way to keep the queens on
  77. kcacgt (19) Kc7 and Qxe6 is forced, isn't it?
  78. maxivgc Then you have 3 pawns and the initiative
  79. kcacgt (19) Else Qxa2 looks scary
  80. maxivgc Qxe6 Kxe6 Rhe1 Kf7 Re7+ Kg8 Bxb6 axb6 Rxb7
  81. electricbutter (19) so what about qx kx rd6+
  82. electricbutter (19) and try to get another pawn
  83. maxivgc I think white is doing well in this line
  84. maxivgc Prolly you even et a 4rth pawn
  85. maxivgc Damn Qd4
  86. maxivgc There should be some way to refuse this
  87. gavalanche20 What about now? is this better or worse?
  88. maxivgc Worst case black has Rd8
  89. maxivgc Maybe Qd5
  90. maxivgc Qd4 feels to slow
  91. maxivgc Lets see what black does to utilize that
  92. maxivgc Now white has to take the rock but that feels bad for white :/
  93. maxivgc I think white is loosing the thread now
  94. maxivgc Unfortunately Qxd8 Rxd8 Rxd8 Nd7 also looked terrible
  95. MrScribbles 22...Qa4+ trades queens
  96. maxivgc Maybe Na4 is also strong
  97. maxivgc Attacking the bishop amd c3
  98. MrScribbles Although ...Qa4 does leave the a4 Black Knight looking a little derpy
  99. maxivgc Na4 Bd4 Nd5
  100. maxivgc Nd5 ! This is prolly even better than my idea
  101. maxivgc Think after Qa4 white might win the a pawn and have drawing chances in a worse emdgame
  102. maxivgc But here i think whitr is busted
  103. maxivgc Guess after 20 Qxe6 white is a bit better but after Qd4 he is close to lost
  104. gavalanche20 This is looking real yucky now unfortunately
  105. maxivgc The king goes to h8 and 0-1
  106. maxivgc Looool
  107. nerja25390 Why not 24...Rda1?
  108. nerja25390 sorry, 24. Rad1
  109. MrScribbles uh
  110. MrScribbles Well, white looks less lost now lol. 25
  111. Chewbacca_Defense (25) wtf just happened
  112. maxivgc Why
  113. MrScribbles Chess is hard, that's what happened.
  114. maxivgc Ra1 i guess Nb4
  115. maxivgc Ra1 is a nice move tough
  116. maxivgc Was there anything wrong with 24... Kg8?
  117. maxivgc I thought after Kg8 white can resign
  118. MrScribbles Never resign.
  119. nerja25390 hear hear
  120. maxivgc Also the queen never gets trapped because you have all those knight discoveries after Kg8
  121. maxivgc Like Qe6+ Kh8 Ra1 Nb4
  122. maxivgc Black should still be better tough
  123. maxivgc Bs
  124. maxivgc I though black could take on f2 lmao
  125. maxivgc I take back whaz I said haha
  126. MrScribbles Tempting t oplay 29.Rd7+
  127. maxivgc Whats the follow up?
  128. MrScribbles prayer
  129. maxivgc Nxd7 and then?
  130. MrScribbles more prayer
  131. MrScribbles More specifically, pray for perpetual
  132. maxivgc Qa5 to e2 i guess
  133. maxivgc Oh Qa5 played
  134. maxivgc Or to f3
  135. maxivgc And then claim that the rock is a monster altough idk if I belive that
  136. maxivgc Kb3 is asking for trouble
  137. maxivgc Ng5 or g3
  138. maxivgc And chackmate on a4 or sth like that
  139. maxivgc Or nf2
  140. maxivgc Lets bet
  141. maxivgc Does white play Qf3
  142. maxivgc lmaooo
  143. maxivgc White really knows no fear
  144. MrScribbles White has at least one more move before he's in the net. 31
  145. maxivgc There is a reoccuring theme of white making terrible moves to keep queens on
  146. maxivgc If this isnt mate than what is
  147. MrScribbles Black has to make a non-checking move on 33, giving White time
  148. MrScribbles Not enough time probably, but still, time.
  149. maxivgc Qf3 should be almost fine but ofc white does not play it because he loves his queen haha
  150. MrScribbles 32.Ka2 then try for .... something.
  151. maxivgc Ka2 i think Qf4
  152. MrScribbles 32.Ka2 Nf4 threatens mate in one
  153. maxivgc Nf4?
  154. maxivgc Oh
  155. MrScribbles Nc4
  156. maxivgc Yes nc4 is smart
  157. maxivgc Because it also protexts against Rd6
  158. MrScribbles But then 33.Rd6 Ne6...
  159. MrScribbles oh yeah right
  160. MrScribbles 33.Rf1 and hope they don't notice.
  161. MrScribbles But really, 33.Rb1 only move, right?
  162. MrScribbles No, Qb1 also possible
  163. MrScribbles both look just terrible.
  164. maxivgc I dont think there even is an only move
  165. maxivgc Everything just loses completly
  166. MrScribbles Well ok, 33.Qb1 and maybe there's a shade of a shadow of a hope that Black will allow Rf1!! winning the Queen.
  167. MrScribbles Yeah so I would have played Qb1 there, I mean, what else do you have?
  168. maxivgc Especially because the queen is so stupid on h7
  169. MrScribbles 34.Rf1, Black has to play Qxf1 and then you play Qh4 and try for perpetual.
  170. MrScribbles It doesn't work but you have to try *something*.
  171. MrScribbles big oof. 34
  172. gavalanche20 Gg
  173. MrScribbles Great game. I admire White's tenacity.
  174. nerja25390 gg
  175. Chewbacca_Defense (34) gg