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1d4+0.2Nf6+0.22c4+0.2g6+0.43Nc3+0.4Bg7+0.44e4+0.5d6+0.55Be2+0.4O-O+0.46Nf3+0.4e5+0.67O-O+0.2Nc6+0.68d5+0.7Ne7+0.79Bg5+0.7Nd7+0.710b4+0.4h6+0.511Bh40.0b6?!+0.6Inaccuracy. g5 was best.11...g512.Bg3a5[...]12a4?!0.0...Inaccuracy. Nd2 was best.12.Nd2g513.Bg3[...]12...a5−0.113Nb5?!−1.1...Inaccuracy. bxa5 was best.13.bxa5g514.Bg3[...]13...g5−1.114Nxg5−1.6hxg5−1.615Bxg5−1.6f6?!−1.0Inaccuracy. axb4 was best.15...axb416.Nxc7Qxc7[...]16Bh4?!−2.1...Inaccuracy. Bd2 was best.16.Bd2axb417.Bxb4[...]16...Ba6?−0.5Mistake. axb4 was best.16...axb417.f3Bh6[...]17bxa5−0.5Ng6−0.718Bg3−0.6bxa5−0.319Bh5−0.3Bxb5?!+0.8Inaccuracy. Ne7 was best.19...Ne720.f4Bxb5[...]20axb5?!−0.1...Inaccuracy. Bxg6 was best.20.Bxg6Bxc420...Nf40.021Bxf4?!−0.7...Inaccuracy. Bg4 was best.21.Bg4Nc522.Bf5[...]21...exf4−0.722Qg4??−2.6...Blunder. Bg6 was best.22.Bg6Ne523.Bf5[...]22...Ne5??−0.3Blunder. f5 was best.22...f523.Qxf4Bxa1[...]23Qxf4−0.3Nxc40.024Qh4??−1.8...Blunder. Bg6 was best.24.Bg6f525.Bxf5[...]24...f5−1.725Qh3??−4.0...Blunder. Qxd8 was best.25.Qxd8Rfxd826.Rac1[...]25...Bxa1−3.726Rxa1−3.7Qf6−3.427Ra2−4.0fxe4−3.728Qg4+−3.9Qg7−3.729Qxe4−3.8Nb6??0.0Blunder. Ne5 was best.29...Ne530.Ra3Qh7[...]30Ra30.0Kh80.031h3??−4.1...Blunder. Be2 was best.31.Be2Rae832.Qh4+[...]31...Rg8−3.532Bg4−3.7Qe5−3.633Qf3?!−4.9...Inaccuracy. Qc2 was best.33.Qc2Rg734.Qc1[...]33...Raf8−4.234Qd1−4.9a4−4.135Qc1−4.4Qf4−4.036Qb2+−4.2Qe5−3.837Qd2−4.4Qf4−3.838Qxf4?!−6.0...Inaccuracy. Qc2 was best.38.Qc2Qf639.Bf3[...]38...Rxf4−5.839Be6−6.4Rgf8−6.240f3−6.9Rb4−6.741Rc3−9.1Rc4?!−6.2Inaccuracy. Nc4 was best.41...Nc442.Rc1a3[...]42Re3−7.5Ra8−7.143Ra3−6.8Rc5−6.744Bf5−6.5Rxd5−6.345Be4−6.9Rd1+−6.746Kf2−6.7Ra7−6.447Ke2−6.3Rd2+−6.948Kxd2−6.6Nc4+−6.149Kc3−6.9Nxa3−6.550Kb4?!−9.3...Inaccuracy. b6 was best.50.b6cxb651.Bd3[...]50...Nxb5−8.751Kxb5−44.2a3−44.152Bd5−39.8Kg7??−4.7Blunder. a2 was best.52...a253.Bxa2Rxa2[...]53Ba2−4.6Kf6−4.554Kc6?−10.7...Mistake. g4 was best.54.g4Kg554...Kf5??−3.9Blunder. Ra5 was best.54...Ra555.g4Rc5+[...]55g4+?−7.9...Mistake. h4 was best.55.h4Ke556.h5[...]55...Kg5−6.656Kb5−4.2Rb7+−3.657Kc4??−46.1...Blunder. Ka4 was best.57.Ka4c658.Kxa3[...]57...Rb2−44.258Kc3?!#−16...Checkmate is now unavoidable. Bb3 was best.58.Bb3a259.Bxa2[...]58...Rxa2#−1659Kb3#−16Ra1−46.260Ka4?!#−13...Checkmate is now unavoidable. Kb4 was best.60.Kb4Rh161.Kxa3[...]60...d5#−1361Kb3#−14c5−58.762Kc3?!#−6...Checkmate is now unavoidable. Ka4 was best.62.Ka4c463.Kb5[...]62...a2#−1063Kb3#−10Rb1+#−964Kxa2#−9Rb8#−9
White resigned • Black is victorious
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2016.07.19"] [White "Djcrisce"] [Black "thephobia"] [Result "0-1"] [UTCDate "2016.07.19"] [UTCTime "22:50:08"] [WhiteElo "1722"] [BlackElo "1767"] [WhiteRatingDiff "-10"] [BlackRatingDiff "+10"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "2700+45"] [ECO "E97"] [Opening "King's Indian Defense: Orthodox Variation, Aronin-Taimanov Defense"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. Be2 O-O 6. Nf3 e5 7. O-O Nc6 { E97 King's Indian Defense: Orthodox Variation, Aronin-Taimanov Defense } 8. d5 Ne7 9. Bg5 Nd7 10. b4 h6 11. Bh4 b6?! { (0.02 → 0.57) Inaccuracy. g5 was best. } (11... g5 12. Bg3 a5 13. a3 f5 14. h3 Nf6 15. Nd2 axb4 16. axb4 Rxa1 17. Qxa1 f4 18. Bh2) 12. a4?! { (0.57 → 0.00) Inaccuracy. Nd2 was best. } (12. Nd2 g5 13. Bg3 a5 14. a3 axb4 15. axb4 Rxa1 16. Qxa1 f5 17. f3 fxe4 18. Ncxe4 Nf6) 12... a5 13. Nb5?! { (-0.12 → -1.10) Inaccuracy. bxa5 was best. } (13. bxa5 g5 14. Bg3 Rxa5 15. Nd2 Nc5 16. f3 Ng6 17. Nb3 Nxb3 18. Qxb3 h5 19. Bd1 Nf4) 13... g5 14. Nxg5 hxg5 15. Bxg5 f6?! { (-1.64 → -1.05) Inaccuracy. axb4 was best. } (15... axb4 16. Nxc7 Qxc7 17. Bxe7 Re8 18. Bg5 Nc5 19. Qb1 Bd7 20. Be3 b3 21. Bxc5 bxc5 22. Qxb3) 16. Bh4?! { (-1.05 → -2.12) Inaccuracy. Bd2 was best. } (16. Bd2 axb4 17. Bxb4 Nc5 18. a5 Nxe4 19. Qc2 f5 20. axb6 Rxa1 21. Rxa1 cxb6 22. Ra8 Nc5) 16... Ba6? { (-2.12 → -0.54) Mistake. axb4 was best. } (16... axb4 17. f3 Bh6 18. Be1 Kg7 19. f4 Bxf4 20. Bxb4 f5 21. Rxf4 exf4 22. a5 Kg8 23. axb6) 17. bxa5 Ng6 18. Bg3 bxa5 19. Bh5 Bxb5?! { (-0.27 → 0.78) Inaccuracy. Ne7 was best. } (19... Ne7 20. f4 Bxb5 21. axb5 exf4 22. Rxf4 f5 23. Ra3 fxe4 24. Qg4 Nc5 25. h4 Rxf4 26. Bxf4) 20. axb5?! { (0.78 → -0.14) Inaccuracy. Bxg6 was best. } (20. Bxg6 Bxc4) 20... Nf4 21. Bxf4?! { (0.00 → -0.75) Inaccuracy. Bg4 was best. } (21. Bg4 Nc5 22. Bf5 Qe8 23. Bxf4 exf4 24. Qg4 Rf7 25. h4 Re7 26. Bg6 Qd8 27. Bf5 Qe8) 21... exf4 22. Qg4?? { (-0.71 → -2.56) Blunder. Bg6 was best. } (22. Bg6 Ne5 23. Bf5 Bh6 24. Kh1 Kg7 25. Qc2 Bg5 26. f3 Qb8 27. c5 dxc5 28. Qxc5 Qb6) 22... Ne5?? { (-2.56 → -0.27) Blunder. f5 was best. } (22... f5 23. Qxf4 Bxa1 24. Rxa1 Qf6 25. Ra3 fxe4 26. Qg3+ Kh7 27. Bg6+ Qxg6 28. Qh3+ Kg7 29. Rg3) 23. Qxf4 Nxc4 24. Qh4?? { (0.00 → -1.79) Blunder. Bg6 was best. } (24. Bg6 f5 25. Bxf5 Bxa1 26. Be6+ Kh7 27. Bf5+ Kg8 28. Be6+ Kh7 29. Bf5+ Kg8) 24... f5 25. Qh3?? { (-1.73 → -3.98) Blunder. Qxd8 was best. } (25. Qxd8 Rfxd8 26. Rac1 Nd2 27. Rfd1 Nxe4 28. Rxc7 Nc3 29. Re1 Nxb5 30. Rb7 Nd4 31. Ree7 Be5) 25... Bxa1 26. Rxa1 Qf6 27. Ra2 fxe4 28. Qg4+ Qg7 29. Qxe4 Nb6?? { (-3.83 → 0.00) Blunder. Ne5 was best. } (29... Ne5 30. Ra3 Qh7 31. Rg3+ Kh8 32. Bg6 Nxg6 33. Rh3 Qxh3 34. gxh3 Nf4 35. Qc4 Rae8 36. Kf1) 30. Ra3 Kh8 31. h3?? { (0.00 → -4.14) Blunder. Be2 was best. } (31. Be2 Rae8 32. Qh4+ Qh7 33. Qd4+ Re5 34. Rh3 Qxh3 35. gxh3 Nxd5 36. Bc4 Rf4 37. Qd3 Re1+) 31... Rg8 32. Bg4 Qe5 33. Qf3?! { (-3.60 → -4.93) Inaccuracy. Qc2 was best. } (33. Qc2 Rg7 34. Qc1 Nxd5 35. Qd2 Qg5 36. Qd1 Re8 37. Rxa5 Nc3 38. Qc2 Nxb5 39. Qb2 Re1+) 33... Raf8 34. Qd1 a4 35. Qc1 Qf4 36. Qb2+ Qe5 37. Qd2 Qf4 38. Qxf4?! { (-3.85 → -6.04) Inaccuracy. Qc2 was best. } (38. Qc2 Qf6 39. Bf3 Rg7 40. g3 Re8 41. Kh2 Re1 42. Qd2 Rge7 43. h4 Nc4 44. Qc3 Qxc3) 38... Rxf4 39. Be6 Rgf8 40. f3 Rb4 41. Rc3 Rc4?! { (-9.13 → -6.22) Inaccuracy. Nc4 was best. } (41... Nc4 42. Rc1 a3 43. Ra1 Rb2 44. h4 a2 45. Kh2 Ne3 46. Kh3 Kg7 47. g3 Nc2 48. Rxa2) 42. Re3 Ra8 43. Ra3 Rc5 44. Bf5 Rxd5 45. Be4 Rd1+ 46. Kf2 Ra7 47. Ke2 Rd2+ 48. Kxd2 Nc4+ 49. Kc3 Nxa3 50. Kb4?! { (-6.49 → -9.29) Inaccuracy. b6 was best. } (50. b6 cxb6 51. Bd3 d5 52. h4 Nc4 53. Bb1 a3 54. Ba2 Rh7 55. g3 Kg7 56. Kd4 Kf6) 50... Nxb5 51. Kxb5 a3 52. Bd5 Kg7?? { (-39.76 → -4.68) Blunder. a2 was best. } (52... a2 53. Bxa2 Rxa2 54. Kc6 Rxg2 55. Kd5 Kg7 56. Ke4 Kf6 57. Kf4 c5 58. Ke3 c4 59. f4) 53. Ba2 Kf6 54. Kc6? { (-4.48 → -10.68) Mistake. g4 was best. } (54. g4 Kg5) 54... Kf5?? { (-10.68 → -3.86) Blunder. Ra5 was best. } (54... Ra5 55. g4 Rc5+ 56. Kd7 Rc2 57. Bd5 a2 58. Bxa2 Rxa2 59. h4 d5 60. g5+ Kf5 61. Kc6) 55. g4+? { (-3.86 → -7.91) Mistake. h4 was best. } (55. h4 Ke5 56. h5 Ra6+ 57. Kb5 Rb6+ 58. Ka4 Rb2 59. Kxa3 Rxg2 60. Bb1 Rh2 61. Bg6 c5) 55... Kg5 56. Kb5 Rb7+ 57. Kc4?? { (-3.60 → -46.10) Blunder. Ka4 was best. } (57. Ka4 c6 58. Kxa3 Rh7 59. Bb3 Rxh3 60. Bd1 c5 61. Ka4 Rh1 62. Bc2 Rh2 63. Bb3 Rb2) 57... Rb2 58. Kc3?! { (-44.18 → Mate in 16) Checkmate is now unavoidable. Bb3 was best. } (58. Bb3 a2 59. Bxa2 Rxa2 60. Kd5 Rh2 61. Kc6 Rxh3 62. Kxc7 Rxf3 63. Kxd6 Kxg4 64. Kc5 Kf5) 58... Rxa2 59. Kb3 Ra1 60. Ka4?! { (-46.18 → Mate in 13) Checkmate is now unavoidable. Kb4 was best. } (60. Kb4 Rh1 61. Kxa3 Rxh3 62. Kb4 Rxf3 63. Kc4 Kxg4 64. Kd5 Rf1 65. Kc6 Rc1+ 66. Kd5 Kf3) 60... d5 61. Kb3 c5 62. Kc3?! { (-58.68 → Mate in 6) Checkmate is now unavoidable. Ka4 was best. } (62. Ka4 c4 63. Kb5 Rb1+ 64. Kc6 a2 65. h4+ Kxh4 66. Kd6 c3 67. Kxd5 a1=Q 68. g5 Kxg5) 62... a2 63. Kb3 Rb1+ 64. Kxa2 Rb8 { White resigns. } 0-1
11 inaccuracies
2 mistakes
5 blunders
77 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
4 inaccuracies
1 mistake
4 blunders
57 Average centipawn loss
  1. Derked spotted that fast
  2. tworivers nice one
  3. tworivers Fork time
  4. Derked o maybe hes trapped
  5. tworivers I'd just take b5 and march a4
  6. tworivers *a3
  7. Derked yep
  8. tworivers Back probably needs to preserve the d and c pawns
  9. Derked i think you just march the king down there
  10. tworivers I think so
  11. Derked and try to get that bishop off a2
  12. tworivers Those kingside pawns are a worry
  13. Derked its annoying though because g8 is covered too
  14. Derked maybe just kg5?
  15. tworivers one thing is the a3 pawn is immune from the bishop for the moment
  16. Derked i dunno im terrible at end games lol
  17. Derked yea you could probably lift the rook off but you drop the c pawn
  18. tworivers Maybe that knight getting "trapped" wasn't so good
  19. quirked i dont understand why he didnt play 52 a2
  20. quirked it wins the bishop
  21. tworivers I was worried about the c & d pawns dropping, but when white take c7, the d pawn runs
  22. tworivers on 52 a2
  23. quirked you could hold the c pawn with rc2+
  24. quirked a2 bxa2 rxa2 kc6 kc2
  25. quirked rc2**
  26. tworivers that too
  27. tworivers Put the rook behind the kingside pawns, I think
  28. Derked you can run the d pawn now
  29. tworivers yep
  30. Derked c4 !?
  31. Derked o sneaky
  32. tworivers Well that works
  33. tworivers ggs everyone
  34. Derked ggs
  35. Djcrisce thanks guys
  36. Djcrisce man I was looking for a tactic so hard
  37. thephobia 31. h3 was not good, it kept your rook from coming to the h file, which i was very concerned about
  38. thephobia i was thinking f4 would be good, computer likes be2
  39. Djcrisce yeah I'm looking there
  40. Djcrisce I knew I'd be blocking the h file
  41. Djcrisce I thought I could push your king back onto the g file and trap your queen
  42. Djcrisce or something like that
  43. Djcrisce computer doesn't like my position nearly as much as I did
  44. Djcrisce man, 15 inaccuracies, 10 mistakes, 4 blunders
  45. Djcrisce messy game
  46. thephobia indeed
  47. thephobia gg tho, i gotta run, that was a long one
  48. Djcrisce yep
  49. Djcrisce thanks for playing - good luck going forward
  50. thephobia you too