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1d4+0.3Nf60.02c4+0.2e6+0.33Nf30.0d5+0.24g3+0.2b6+0.55cxd5+0.7exd5+0.56Bg2+0.5Bb7+0.67O-O+0.4Be7+0.78Nc3+0.6O-O+0.89Qa4+0.5c6+0.810Ne5+0.7Re8+1.111Rd1+0.8b5+0.912Qb3+0.8b4?!+1.8Inaccuracy. Nbd7 was best.12...Nbd713.e413Na4?!+1.2...Inaccuracy. e4 was best.13.e4Na614.Na4[...]13...Na6+1.514Bf4+1.5Nh5+1.815Be3+2.2Nf6+1.916Rac1+2.1Rc8+1.717Bh3?!+1.1...Inaccuracy. Nd3 was best.17.Nd3Bf817...Rc7+1.318Nd3+1.0Ne4?!+1.7Inaccuracy. Bd6 was best.18...Bd619Bf4+1.1Bd6+1.420e3+1.2Bxf4+1.721Nxf4?!+1.0...Inaccuracy. exf4 was best.21.exf4Bc822.Bg2[...]21...Qf6+0.922Bg2?!0.0...Inaccuracy. Qc2 was best.22.Qc222...Nxf2+0.323Kxf20.0g5+0.124Kg10.0gxf40.025Rf1+0.5Qe60.026exf40.0Qf60.027Qd10.0Rce7+0.128a3?−1.1...Mistake. f5 was best.28.f5Re228...bxa3−0.629bxa3−0.5Nc7−0.630Nc5−0.8Bc8−0.531a4?!−1.3...Inaccuracy. Kh1 was best.31.Kh131...Ne6?!−0.6Inaccuracy. Na6 was best.31...Na632.Nb3Bf5[...]32Nxe6−0.6Qxe6−0.833f5−0.6Qf6−0.634Qd2−0.7Re2−0.935Qf4−0.8Ra2−0.436Rfe1??−3.0...Blunder. a5 was best.36.a536...Rxe1+−2.537Rxe1−3.4Qxf5−3.038Qxf5?!−4.5...Inaccuracy. Qe3 was best.38.Qe3h639.Rf1[...]38...Bxf5−4.539Re8+−5.3Kg7−5.2
White resigned • Black is victorious
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2022.01.29"] [White "jessehf"] [Black "Hendrik2020"] [Result "0-1"] [UTCDate "2022.01.29"] [UTCTime "14:00:13"] [WhiteElo "2252"] [BlackElo "2155"] [WhiteRatingDiff "-13"] [BlackRatingDiff "+26"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "1800+30"] [ECO "E10"] [Opening "Indian Defense: Anti-Nimzo-Indian"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 { E10 Indian Defense: Anti-Nimzo-Indian } d5 4. g3 b6 5. cxd5 exd5 6. Bg2 Bb7 7. O-O Be7 8. Nc3 O-O 9. Qa4 c6 10. Ne5 Re8 11. Rd1 b5 12. Qb3 b4?! { (0.80 → 1.78) Inaccuracy. Nbd7 was best. } (12... Nbd7 13. e4) 13. Na4?! { (1.78 → 1.15) Inaccuracy. e4 was best. } (13. e4 Na6 14. Na4 Bd6 15. Nxf7 Kxf7 16. e5 Bxe5 17. dxe5 Rxe5 18. Be3 Qd7 19. a3 bxa3) 13... Na6 14. Bf4 Nh5 15. Be3 Nf6 16. Rac1 Rc8 17. Bh3?! { (1.71 → 1.06) Inaccuracy. Nd3 was best. } (17. Nd3 Bf8) 17... Rc7 18. Nd3 Ne4?! { (1.02 → 1.68) Inaccuracy. Bd6 was best. } (18... Bd6) 19. Bf4 Bd6 20. e3 Bxf4 21. Nxf4?! { (1.65 → 1.00) Inaccuracy. exf4 was best. } (21. exf4 Bc8 22. Bg2 Be6 23. Re1 h5 24. Nxb4 Nxb4 25. Qxb4 Rc8 26. Nc5 Rb8 27. Qa3 Nxc5) 21... Qf6 22. Bg2?! { (0.90 → 0.00) Inaccuracy. Qc2 was best. } (22. Qc2) 22... Nxf2 23. Kxf2 g5 24. Kg1 gxf4 25. Rf1 Qe6 26. exf4 Qf6 27. Qd1 Rce7 28. a3? { (0.12 → -1.07) Mistake. f5 was best. } (28. f5 Re2) 28... bxa3 29. bxa3 Nc7 30. Nc5 Bc8 31. a4?! { (-0.49 → -1.28) Inaccuracy. Kh1 was best. } (31. Kh1) 31... Ne6?! { (-1.28 → -0.63) Inaccuracy. Na6 was best. } (31... Na6 32. Nb3 Bf5 33. g4 Be4 34. Bh3 Nb4 35. g5 Qg6 36. Nc5 Bf5 37. Bg4 Na2 38. Bxf5) 32. Nxe6 Qxe6 33. f5 Qf6 34. Qd2 Re2 35. Qf4 Ra2 36. Rfe1?? { (-0.45 → -2.97) Blunder. a5 was best. } (36. a5) 36... Rxe1+ 37. Rxe1 Qxf5 38. Qxf5?! { (-3.05 → -4.54) Inaccuracy. Qe3 was best. } (38. Qe3 h6 39. Rf1 Qe6 40. Qf4 Ba6 41. Bh3 Qe7 42. Rc1 Qe2 43. Qg4+ Qxg4 44. Bxg4 Bc4) 38... Bxf5 39. Re8+ Kg7 { White resigns. } 0-1
6 inaccuracies
1 mistake
1 blunder
35 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
3 inaccuracies
0 mistakes
0 blunders
21 Average centipawn loss
  1. Hendrik2020 move 36 was a pitty
  2. jessehf yeah i mean i bungled the middlegame completely
  3. Hendrik2020 well I at the queenside in de beginning. with pressure on my c pawn and c5 field
  4. jessehf the most frustrating thing was my inhability to calculate or even ever notice tactical ideas
  5. jessehf like after Re1 and Qxf5 i didnt notice the mate with Qf2 and Qg2
  6. jessehf also when i played Na4 i never ever saw that there was an x-ray with my queen over the b7 bishop
  7. Hendrik2020 second rank is always danger with two strong pieces indeed.
  8. jessehf what was the reasoning behind 14...Nh5 i didnt get it
  9. jessehf in the opening
  10. Hendrik2020 to move the bishop away
  11. jessehf but then i go to e3 which was my original plan
  12. jessehf so i went to f4 precisely to provoke that move
  13. jessehf and i got a move for free
  14. jessehf is the same position but i have the extra move Be3
  15. jessehf also how do you come to the conclusion that the structural change after Nxf2 Kxf2 and g5 is benefitial
  16. jessehf like you are exposing your king with that move
  17. jessehf g5 is extremely commital
  18. Hendrik2020 since it was pinning your K.
  19. jessehf yes i get it, but the resulting pawn structure how is that benefitial?
  20. jessehf it just a trade basically
  21. jessehf also why Qe6 instead of Re6 i didnt understand that either
  22. Hendrik2020 yes indeed, but also with a little bit of exposure your K.
  23. jessehf you want to infiltrate with your rooks no?
  24. Hendrik2020 and the Q sside was settled at that point
  25. jessehf on move 32 why not just Re6
  26. jessehf instead of Qxe6 that looks unnatural
  27. Hendrik2020 double my rooks on a open file is always good i think
  28. jessehf you moved away from the pressure over the d4 pawn
  29. jessehf really weird
  30. Hendrik2020 yes but also less flexible in defenfse my c pawn
  31. Hendrik2020 and more pressure with dtree pieces on f file
  32. Hendrik2020 and you can movce the rook than with Bh3
  33. jessehf exactly
  34. jessehf so you did see the shot
  35. jessehf Bh3 Re2 Bxc8 and?
  36. jessehf Rxc8 Qg4 winning material
  37. Hendrik2020 pressure on d4 was less important since a I had no other pieces driectly to hunt for D pawn
  38. jessehf the weakness on d4 was one of the main problems for me, you always kept me tied down
  39. Hendrik2020 on the other hand you had pressure ealrier on c pawn and c5 square.
  40. Hendrik2020 but maybe it was better to use your black bishop to take pressure on b pawn
  41. jessehf how?
  42. jessehf i didnt see how during the game
  43. Hendrik2020 maybe first hunt my knight away from e5 with f pawn to prepare Bd2>
  44. jessehf ah like f3 yeah maybe
  45. Hendrik2020 yes
  46. Hendrik2020 b pawn was a long ranger....
  47. Hendrik2020 and only defend with A knight and that knigh could not move for quard c5 field also
  48. jessehf yes i couldnt exploit that weak pawn
  49. Hendrik2020 f3. than my knight to d6 for example and than Bd2.
  50. jessehf yeah you are right
  51. Hendrik2020 3 attacker on b pawn and just one defense
  52. Hendrik2020 I was affraid of that plan
  53. Hendrik2020 b pawn was much more commetial than g pawn i thjnk
  54. jessehf you played a fantastic game, all you need to do is improve your openings, but you are a middlegame magician and your tactical eye is great
  55. jessehf thanks for the game i have to go now
  56. jessehf gl for the remaining games
  57. Hendrik2020 u2