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1d4−0.1Nf6+0.12c4−0.1c5+0.43d5−0.2b5+0.24cxb5−0.3a6+0.25e3−0.1g6+0.46Nc3−0.6Bg7+0.47Bd20.0O-O+0.28Nf30.0Bb7−0.29bxa6−0.3Nxa6−0.310Bc4−0.3e6−0.311dxe6−0.3fxe60.012O-O−0.3d5−0.413Be2−0.7Nb4?!+0.2Inaccuracy. d4 was best.13...d414.Qb3dxc3[...]14Na4+0.2Ne4?+1.9Mistake. Qe7 was best.14...Qe715Nxc5+1.7Nxd2??+4.2Blunder. Nxc5 was best.15...Nxc516.Bxb4Qb6[...]16Qxd2+3.9Qb6+4.017Nxe6?!+3.0...Inaccuracy. Nd7 was best.17.Nd717...Qxe6+2.918Qxb4+2.9Rfb8+3.419Nd4+3.4Qf6+3.620Qd2+3.3Bf8+4.021Bf3+3.4Bd6+3.922Nb5+3.3Be5+3.423Bxd5++3.1Kg7+3.824Bxb7+3.4Rxb7+3.825Nd4+3.2Rd7+3.726Qb4+3.1Rb8+3.327Qa4+3.3Rf7+3.728Nf3?!+2.9...Inaccuracy. b3 was best.28.b328...Bc7?!+4.1Inaccuracy. Bxb2 was best.28...Bxb229.Rab1Rfb7[...]29Rad1?!+3.1...Inaccuracy. b3 was best.29.b3Be530.Rac1[...]29...Rxb2+3.130Rd7+2.6Rxa2+2.631Rxf7++2.5Qxf7+2.632Qd4++2.5Kh6??+6.4Blunder. Qf6 was best.32...Qf633.Qc4Ra7[...]33Ne5??+2.1...Blunder. Qh4+ was best.33.Qh4+Kg734.Ng5[...]33...Bxe5+2.234Qxe5+2.0Qf5+2.335Qxf5+2.3gxf5+2.336h4+2.3Kh5+2.337g3+2.3Kg4?!+3.1Inaccuracy. Kg6 was best.37...Kg638.Kg2Ra6[...]38Kg2+2.5h5??#16Checkmate is now unavoidable. Kh5 was best.38...Kh539.Rb139Rb1??+6.5...Lost forced checkmate sequence. Ra1 was best.39.Ra1f440.Rxa2[...]39...f4+6.140Rb4+5.6
Black resigned • White is victorious
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2017.11.26"] [White "somethingpretentious"] [Black "quirked"] [Result "1-0"] [GameId "DZr7k51c"] [UTCDate "2017.11.26"] [UTCTime "15:59:46"] [WhiteElo "2049"] [BlackElo "1980"] [WhiteRatingDiff "+9"] [BlackRatingDiff "-10"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "2700+45"] [ECO "A57"] [Opening "Benko Gambit Accepted: Modern Variation"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cxb5 a6 5. e3 { A57 Benko Gambit Accepted: Modern Variation } g6 6. Nc3 Bg7 7. Bd2 O-O 8. Nf3 Bb7 9. bxa6 Nxa6 10. Bc4 e6 11. dxe6 fxe6 12. O-O d5 13. Be2 Nb4?! { (-0.75 → 0.23) Inaccuracy. d4 was best. } (13... d4 14. Qb3 dxc3 15. Qxe6+ Kh8 16. Bxc3 Bd5 17. Qh3 Ne4 18. Bxg7+ Kxg7 19. Ne5 Nb4 20. a3) 14. Na4 Ne4? { (0.22 → 1.87) Mistake. Qe7 was best. } (14... Qe7) 15. Nxc5 Nxd2?? { (1.72 → 4.15) Blunder. Nxc5 was best. } (15... Nxc5 16. Bxb4 Qb6 17. a3 Rfb8 18. Ng5 Na6 19. Bg4 Nxb4 20. Bxe6+ Kh8 21. Nf7+ Kg8 22. Qg4) 16. Qxd2 Qb6 17. Nxe6?! { (3.96 → 2.96) Inaccuracy. Nd7 was best. } (17. Nd7) 17... Qxe6 18. Qxb4 Rfb8 19. Nd4 Qf6 20. Qd2 Bf8 21. Bf3 Bd6 22. Nb5 Be5 23. Bxd5+ Kg7 24. Bxb7 Rxb7 25. Nd4 Rd7 26. Qb4 Rb8 27. Qa4 Rf7 28. Nf3?! { (3.71 → 2.91) Inaccuracy. b3 was best. } (28. b3) 28... Bc7?! { (2.91 → 4.09) Inaccuracy. Bxb2 was best. } (28... Bxb2 29. Rab1 Rfb7 30. Rfd1 Qe7 31. Nd4 Qe4 32. h3 Bxd4 33. Rxb7+ Rxb7 34. Rxd4 Qf5 35. Rd1) 29. Rad1?! { (4.09 → 3.05) Inaccuracy. b3 was best. } (29. b3 Be5 30. Rac1 Qe7 31. Qc4 Bf6 32. Rfd1 Qb4 33. Nd4 Qxc4 34. Rxc4 Bxd4 35. Rcxd4 h5) 29... Rxb2 30. Rd7 Rxa2 31. Rxf7+ Qxf7 32. Qd4+ Kh6?? { (2.45 → 6.41) Blunder. Qf6 was best. } (32... Qf6 33. Qc4 Ra7 34. Nd4 Bd6 35. f4 Kh8 36. Nb5 Ra1 37. Nc3 Rxf1+ 38. Kxf1 Bf8 39. Ne4) 33. Ne5?? { (6.41 → 2.12) Blunder. Qh4+ was best. } (33. Qh4+ Kg7 34. Ng5 Qe7 35. Qxh7+ Kf6 36. Qg8 Kxg5 37. Qxa2 Kh6 38. Qc4 Bd6 39. g3 Qf6) 33... Bxe5 34. Qxe5 Qf5 35. Qxf5 gxf5 36. h4 Kh5 37. g3 Kg4?! { (2.31 → 3.05) Inaccuracy. Kg6 was best. } (37... Kg6 38. Kg2 Ra6 39. Rb1 h5 40. Rb4 Kg7 41. Kf3 Ra2 42. Rb5 Kg6 43. Rb8 Kg7 44. Rb1) 38. Kg2 h5?? { (2.46 → Mate in 16) Checkmate is now unavoidable. Kh5 was best. } (38... Kh5 39. Rb1) 39. Rb1?? { (Mate in 16 → 6.50) Lost forced checkmate sequence. Ra1 was best. } (39. Ra1 f4 40. Rxa2 f3+ 41. Kg1 Kf5 42. Ra5+ Kg6 43. Rg5+ Kf7 44. Rxh5 Ke6 45. g4 Kf7) 39... f4 40. Rb4 { Black resigns. } 1-0
3 Inaccuracies
0 Mistakes
2 Blunders
52 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
3 Inaccuracies
1 Mistake
3 Blunders
69 Average centipawn loss
  1. gucelli but he announced that he would have played an early e6 without d6 :-)
  2. gucelli i wonder if Black is planning 11. dxe6 fxe6 to d5 then
  3. gucelli that would be a nice center. cant see how W can avoid it.
  4. yago666 @patrizsche hi
  5. somethingpretentious d6 Qb6 Nb5 Bd5 /shrug
  6. quirked d5 lets go baby
  7. gucelli so d5 and probably Be2 best (12)
  8. quirked sign me up for this benko where i get the queenside files AND the center
  9. Patrizsche yeah obviously white hasn't played the opening too well
  10. Patrizsche Nc3 and e4 instead of e3 already much more standard
  11. somethingpretentious who needs space
  12. Patrizsche haha
  13. Patrizsche the guy with two thumbs
  14. Patrizsche I think Nd7 might be a weird option, preventing Ne5 for now but also potentially preparing d4 and e5
  15. Patrizsche what do you guys think? good option or no?
  16. Patrizsche Bb7 is loose
  17. somethingpretentious man d4 nearly kills me but I think I survive :/
  18. yago666 you should've played e4
  19. yago666 on move 1
  20. Patrizsche haha
  21. somethingpretentious I guess to avoid Bxa6 after d5...
  22. Patrizsche Ne5 and f4? bad idea?
  23. quirked i was calculating Na4, but I think the knight ends up trapped out there
  24. Patrizsche I really don't understand white
  25. Sonata2 it's all part of the master plan :)
  26. Patrizsche HAHA
  27. Patrizsche see when I suggested Nd7, Ne4 was not possible.. I just don't understand Na4
  28. quirked mm ive missed Nxc5 here, it may be playable
  29. Sonata2 is Nxc5 a move?
  30. jdpeters 15.Nxc5 Nxc5 16.Bxb4 no?
  31. jdpeters or 15...Nxd2 16.Qxd2
  32. FlokiTheCat 15 ...
  33. Sonata2 as I said, master plan
  34. FlokiTheCat 15 ...Nxd2 16 Nxb7
  35. somethingpretentious this works right? :S
  36. Patrizsche haha this is amazing
  37. FlokiTheCat It does
  38. Patrizsche hmm
  39. Prune2000 the center becomes rather fragile compared to the solid white structure
  40. Patrizsche oh you said Qxd2.. wow
  41. Prune2000 everything shifted
  42. Prune2000 2 pawns up might be too much for sure
  43. Prune2000 Qxd2 Qb6?
  44. Prune2000 doesn't work though
  45. Prune2000 it allows Nd7
  46. Prune2000 ah Qe7 works
  47. Prune2000 no nvm lol!
  48. Prune2000 I don't get how black defends both the knight and the fork on e6
  49. Prune2000 Nd7
  50. Patrizsche what in the world is black doing
  51. quirked fuck that had to be Qe7
  52. quirked or no that doesnt work, im just busted lol
  53. quirked how the mighty have fallen
  54. jdpeters even 16...Qe7 17.Nxe6
  55. Prune2000 lol he is doing my thinking in slow process
  56. Patrizsche LOL
  57. Prune2000 SP needs to be careful with time now
  58. somethingpretentious Nxb7 Nxe6 or Nc7 :/
  59. jdpeters definitely Nc7
  60. jdpeters bold and illegal, but interesting
  61. Prune2000 exchange up + 2 pawns, come on
  62. Prune2000 he is already dead, stop hitting him
  63. Prune2000 time is more important now :P
  64. Prune2000 but tbf, SP plays blitz very well
  65. quirked im pretty sure Nd7 just ends the game
  66. Prune2000 Nd7 SP I swear I'll beat you up if you play something else
  67. glbert hahaha!
  68. somethingpretentious wasn't sure I could get my knight back out after Rxf3
  69. quirked this i can dream of drawing, although its so unlikely
  70. Prune2000 he ould have played Nd7 on a heartbeat against a lower rated players I beat
  71. Prune2000 *bet
  72. somethingpretentious wow if I take that bishop I almost get trapped, Qc7 though
  73. Prune2000 Nd7 and quirked probably would have resigned on the spot
  74. Prune2000 3 pawns down though :P You have to consider your life choices right now :D
  75. Prune2000 I like Nd4, keeping pressure, looking for exchanges
  76. Prune2000 neutralizing the DS bishop
  77. Patrizsche ah yes I was looking at Nd4 as well
  78. gucelli i was not following: what is the reason why W played 17. Nxe6 instead of Nd7 forktown?
  79. Prune2000 we do not know
  80. Patrizsche @gucelli: somethingpretentious said that he was scared the knight was gonna get trapped after Rxf3, but I think he missed NxQ in that
  81. Patrizsche variation lol
  82. Patrizsche "somethingprete wasn't sure I could get my knight back out after Rxf3"
  83. somethingpretentious Rc1 next I think then push those pawns
  84. Prune2000 Rfc1. Be precise patzer.
  85. somethingpretentious if Bd6 maybe g3 Bg2, I don't want to just react to threats though...
  86. somethingpretentious probably over cautious with nothing more than Q and B
  87. Sonata2 just ram those queenside pawns forward :)
  88. somethingpretentious Nb3 another idea for Bxd5 but one dimensional and it's a nice knight
  89. Prune2000 probably hovering that resign button right now
  90. somethingpretentious is this getting streamed?
  91. somethingpretentious I have no way of seeing the answer... :facepalm:
  92. gucelli i mean maybe this is better than the exchange. Black had a center now he's got an isolated p
  93. somethingpretentious maybe Nb5 now...
  94. Patrizsche quirked doesn't seem to be streaming
  95. somethingpretentious that was fast...
  96. Prune2000 4 pawns up, alright then
  97. Prune2000 it's very brave to go on by quirked, I'll give him that.
  98. somethingpretentious ah Qd5 was maybe interesting
  99. jdpeters Nf5+!
  100. jdpeters NOPE
  101. Patrizsche lol
  102. Prune2000 Qxf5 lol
  103. glbert heh
  104. Patrizsche exclamation point
  105. NoKlu Did Rd8 have merit? That's what I was looking at a little more
  106. Prune2000 you can consider moving the queen and giving up the pawn to march the other on the queenside
  107. Patrizsche oh yeah that's rough, Qb4
  108. Patrizsche giving up a pawn to reach a double-rook ending
  109. Prune2000 can't take the knight just yet
  110. Prune2000 Bxd4 exd4 Rxd4 Qb7+
  111. Prune2000 so you have to retake with the queen, leading to a completely lost endgame
  112. Prune2000 SP is staying annoying, it's essential to avoid any good counterplay
  113. Prune2000 time to march
  114. Prune2000 Bxb2 seems to work but it's getting complicated
  115. seanysean Bxb2 was probably best.
  116. RottenPawn wouldn't 28.Nc6 have been better?
  117. somethingpretentious trades please
  118. Prune2000 Nc6 looked very good indeed
  119. RottenPawn exactly
  120. RottenPawn the "exactly" was meant as a reply to "trades please" by SP
  121. seanysean Rxb2 should be played here I think
  122. Prune2000 yeah Rd7 is coming
  123. Prune2000 that wins I believe if he doesn't move the b2-rook
  124. Prune2000 no nvm
  125. seanysean Not the most convincing technique here :/
  126. hicetnunc time pressure and black is good at creating problems
  127. Prune2000 no, he stopped looking for aggresive moves and went passive, it usually happens to the winning side
  128. Prune2000 black has nothing to lose though
  129. Prune2000 still 2 pawns up
  130. somethingpretentious I swear if I lose this...
  131. hicetnunc 33.Qh4+ QD4+ grab 1'30
  132. hicetnunc then think
  133. seanysean Qh4 then Ng5 looks good.
  134. jdpeters Does Ne5 force the exchange of minor pieces?
  135. Jaivl Time-grabbing is always good
  136. seanysean After minor piece trade, white will have to be careful with the second rank, which makes pawn pushers a little harder.
  137. hicetnunc 33.Ne5! Qg7? 34.Ng4+ nice
  138. seanysean *pushes
  139. toni4127 Yeah, even without that tactic, Ng4 would force the king forward. Black has to take here
  140. seanysean I don't think black should be taking this long here.
  141. hicetnunc I think he will trade - he can't allow Ng4+
  142. seanysean Ooh, that looks bad.
  143. toni4127 Oh no
  144. RottenPawn wtf
  145. quirked all rook endings are drawn right
  146. toni4127 uh...
  147. seanysean I think black should have tried to get the queen to e2.
  148. Sonata2 cant argue with that
  149. hicetnunc this is not a bad practical try - black king is more exposed
  150. Prune2000 haha good thinking, but I'm not sure that works here :P
  151. seanysean Should be a relatively easy win.
  152. seanysean Compared to with Qs on.
  153. Prune2000 definitely
  154. somethingpretentious hopefully I can win this even against quirked
  155. hicetnunc yes, this looks pretty lost :-)
  156. Patrizsche "even against quirked"
  157. seanysean There is really nothing black can do here.
  158. RottenPawn play h5 and die with honour :D
  159. jdpeters haha
  160. Patrizsche haha that's what I was hoping for
  161. seanysean Black can try Rxf2 and hope for a stalemate...
  162. jdpeters I mean, f-pawn is pinned tho
  163. toni4127 Seriously guys, where's the win if black plays h5 and shuffles his rook on the 2nd rank?
  164. Patrizsche h5 and king is trapped
  165. Sonata2 h5 Ra1
  166. seanysean White activates his rook toni
  167. Patrizsche R+ or pawn check is matre
  168. toni4127 Ah
  169. toni4127 Duh. Thanks
  170. Patrizsche oh my god
  171. RottenPawn wtf
  172. RottenPawn haha
  173. seanysean Ugh
  174. RottenPawn well, we'll see how this goes now
  175. Sonata2 hopefully he sees Ra1
  176. jdpeters Ra1 is lovely
  177. Patrizsche R anywhere open file and it's done
  178. Patrizsche there it is
  179. Sonata2 close enough
  180. Sonata2 still mates :)
  181. RottenPawn the thing is both checks from the 4th rank and from the g file mate
  182. Patrizsche ahd yes Ra1 even better
  183. seanysean Ra4 best move here.
  184. seanysean Then Rb8...
  185. Sonata2 f4 is the only move here to prolong the game a bit
  186. seanysean Nvm, Ra4 loses instantly.
  187. RottenPawn Kf5 only move to stop mate
  188. RottenPawn ggs
  189. toni4127 Yep. gg to both guys
  190. seanysean For those wondering, the opening evaluation is bugged right now.
  191. seanysean On the graph
  192. quirked yeah ive been noticing that the opening does some weird stuff on the graph
  193. somethingpretentious it's not bugged
  194. somethingpretentious it's using cloud eval
  195. seanysean
  196. Patrizsche well done somethingpretentious
  197. somethingpretentious oh my bad @seanysean
  198. somethingpretentious Just finished all the comments :) thanks for watching all!
  199. somethingpretentious wow Ra4 is crazy
  200. somethingpretentious Ra1*