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1d40.0Nf6+0.22c4+0.3e6+0.23Nc3+0.1Bb4+0.34e30.0O-O+0.25Ne2−0.1c60.06a30.0Ba50.07Ng30.0d50.08Qc20.0Nbd70.09Bd3−0.1dxc40.010Bxc40.0e5+0.111O-O0.0exd4+0.112exd4+0.1Nb60.013Ba2+0.1Nbd50.014Bg5−0.2h6−0.115Nxd5−0.2hxg5−0.316Nxf6+−0.3Qxf6−0.217Rad1−0.3Rd80.018d50.0cxd5+0.119Rxd5−0.1Rxd50.020Bxd50.0Bd7+0.221Ne4+0.1Qe50.022Bxb7−0.1Rb80.023Qc50.0Qxb2+0.524Qxa5+0.6Qxb7+0.525Nxg5+0.5f6+0.426Nf3+0.5Bc6+0.827Qc3?!0.0...Inaccuracy. Nd2 was best.27.Nd2Rc828.Rb1[...]27...Bxf30.028gxf30.0...White offers draw
Draw by mutual agreement
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2022.09.27"] [White "Faktor-I"] [Black "IsaVulpes"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [GameId "BRwoFIbE"] [UTCDate "2022.09.27"] [UTCTime "17:32:49"] [WhiteElo "2178"] [BlackElo "2361"] [WhiteRatingDiff "+10"] [BlackRatingDiff "-7"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "2700+45"] [ECO "E46"] [Opening "Nimzo-Indian Defense: Reshevsky Variation"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e3 O-O 5. Ne2 { E46 Nimzo-Indian Defense: Reshevsky Variation } c6 6. a3 Ba5 7. Ng3 d5 8. Qc2 Nbd7 9. Bd3 dxc4 10. Bxc4 e5 11. O-O exd4 12. exd4 Nb6 13. Ba2 Nbd5 14. Bg5 h6 15. Nxd5 hxg5 16. Nxf6+ Qxf6 17. Rad1 Rd8 18. d5 cxd5 19. Rxd5 Rxd5 20. Bxd5 Bd7 21. Ne4 Qe5 22. Bxb7 Rb8 23. Qc5 Qxb2 24. Qxa5 Qxb7 25. Nxg5 f6 26. Nf3 Bc6 27. Qc3?! { (0.84 → 0.00) Inaccuracy. Nd2 was best. } (27. Nd2 Rc8 28. Rb1 Qd7 29. h3 Rd8 30. Nc4 Qd5 31. Qxd5+ Rxd5 32. Rb8+ Kh7 33. Rc8 Bd7) 27... Bxf3 28. gxf3 { White offers draw } { The game is a draw. } 1/2-1/2
1 Inaccuracy
0 Mistakes
0 Blunders
11 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
0 Inaccuracies
0 Mistakes
0 Blunders
11 Average centipawn loss
  1. SrinivasBharathNK Come on Isa
  2. gavalanche20 (10...e5) Goooo Isa!
  3. IsaVulpes (10...e5) hi peeps o/
  4. IsaVulpes (11.O-O) playing against an iqp because i've gone on record many times to say IQP positions are really bad and nobody should touch them
  5. IsaVulpes (11.O-O) something something
  6. IsaVulpes (12...Nb6) mh bd3 nbd5 might actually not be that playable and taking on c3 doesnt sound appealing
  7. IsaVulpes (12...Nb6) did i move too quick
  8. IsaVulpes (12...Nb6) eh i guess im just gonna take back with the queen on d5
  9. IsaVulpes (12...Nb6) not as nice but workable enough
  10. TheVacuousRom Go isa!
  11. SrinivasBharathNK Qd6
  12. Zubenelgenubi (14...h6) go Isa!
  13. Zubenelgenubi (14...h6) hi everyone!
  14. SrinivasBharathNK Hi Zuben
  15. Poldi_der_Drache @Zubel we can play ourgame now if you like I have some time
  16. SrinivasBharathNK Good way to schedule a game and the best way top
  17. SrinivasBharathNK too*
  18. Zubenelgenubi (14...h6) Too tired :-)
  19. Zubenelgenubi (14...h6) quality time with the spouse too
  20. Poldi_der_Drache lol @Srinivas
  21. IsaVulpes (16.Nxf6+) mhh i wanted qxf6 but that directly allows d4 huh
  22. IsaVulpes (16.Nxf6+) i do still have two bishops and gxf is way too ugly
  23. IsaVulpes (16...Qxf6) d5 bd7 not too illogical
  24. IsaVulpes (17.Rad1) avoiding the direct d5 mh
  25. IsaVulpes (17.Rad1) the ng3 is simultaneously kinda bad and really annoying
  26. IsaVulpes (17.Rad1) bleh
  27. IsaVulpes (18.d5) ah i guess a point is that now bd7 d6 is actually legal
  28. IsaVulpes (18.d5) mb i just move the bishop and the pawn drops..
  29. IsaVulpes (18.d5) maybe b6 Ba6 was a good idea to throw in somewhere
  30. IsaVulpes (18.d5) appears too late now
  31. IsaVulpes (18...cxd5) not at all happy with this but not seeing anything else
  32. IsaVulpes (19.Rxd5) dont think i can claim anything watsoever after rxd5
  33. Poldi_der_Drache Be6 perhaps?
  34. Poldi_der_Drache oh nvm that doesnt work because of b3
  35. IsaVulpes (20...Bd7) i have a lot of pieces just kinda hanging around
  36. IsaVulpes (20...Bd7) more or less begging for something to drop off
  37. IsaVulpes (21.Ne4) qe5 bxf7 kxf7 qb3 be6 qxb7+ bc7 qxa8 qxh2 would b funny
  38. IsaVulpes (21.Ne4) qb3 directly is an issue in all the lines
  39. IsaVulpes (21...Qe5) no idea
  40. IsaVulpes (21...Qe5) qe7 qg6 were other candidates but i didnt like those either
  41. IsaVulpes (21...Qe5) everything feels ugly
  42. IsaVulpes (21...Qe5) but i gotta make moves somehow somewhen
  43. IsaVulpes (23.Qc5) mhh was starting with Bc7 better
  44. IsaVulpes (23.Qc5) i idnt see this one coming
  45. IsaVulpes (23...Qxb2) wait am i crazy
  46. IsaVulpes (23...Qxb2) i think i straightup forgot to calculate qxc5 lmfao
  47. gavalanche20 (23...Qxb2) Is Qxg5 a potential issue
  48. IsaVulpes (23...Qxb2) wasnt that good for me
  49. gavalanche20 (23...Qxb2) Ah Qxg5 you take on b7 and Nf6+ Kf8 seems okay
  50. IsaVulpes (23...Qxb2) way too confused rn
  51. chessunable go isa!
  52. chessunable hmm looks drawish i'd think at first glance
  53. IsaVulpes (27...Bxf3) gxf is the only move to keep the game gonig but i dunno if thats going in their favour
  54. Pope123 27...Bxf3 yeah gxf3 is suicide
  55. IsaVulpes (27...Bxf3) well even that is pretty much a dead draw after the queentrade
  56. IsaVulpes (28.gxf31⁄2?) thats an odd sequence
  57. IsaVulpes (28.gxf31⁄2?) surely you take with the Q if you want the draw
  58. Pope123 28.gxf3 i stand corrected lol
  59. IsaVulpes (28.gxf31⁄2?) now i'm debating whether i have chances t obe better after Qd5 Rb3 things
  60. Zubenelgenubi (28.gxf31⁄2?) hard to resist
  61. IsaVulpes (28.gxf31⁄2?) definitely some chances that white gets mated
  62. chessunable i'm not that sure white's king is much weaker than black's
  63. IsaVulpes (28.gxf31⁄2?) qf7 rb3 similar idea, maybe better cause it doesnt lose protection of the a7 pawn quite that quickly
  64. chessunable Qd5 Re1 and against e.g. Rb3 we have Re8+ or Qc8+ or some combination therof, and black's king is airy too
  65. chessunable i think it's a dead draw tbh
  66. IsaVulpes (28.gxf31⁄2?) one issue is qc8-g4 things holding on / qc8-h3 things just being perpet
  67. IsaVulpes (28.gxf31⁄2?) mhyeah thatta bit annoying
  68. IsaVulpes (28.gxf31⁄2?) maybe this is a genius draw offer to bait me into playing for more when qb3 is the best move and a simple draw
  69. IsaVulpes (28.gxf31⁄2?) but yeah i straightup dont see a defense against qc8-h3-g4/g3 things keeping the kingside on lock
  70. Pope123 gg
  71. Zubenelgenubi gg
  72. SrinivasBharathNK Gg
  73. TheVacuousRom Gg
  74. Pope123 Imagine playing a perfect game and still losing rating
  75. Faktor-I yes
  76. Faktor-I engine says only one inaccuracy....but that is hard to believe
  77. Faktor-I there were probaly a lot equal moves
  78. Poldi_der_Drache gg