
Magnus Carlsen won Blitz Titled Arena!

How Magnus Carlsen won and Magnus Carlsen's elo...

Magnus Carlsen made a good result in the Blitz Titled Arena tournament played on July 1, 2023.Starting the tournament well, Magnus took a few losses towards the middle of the tournament, but made up for those losses. Carlsen lost up to -50 points in some of the matches he played... Because when he was 3100, there were 2900 people against him. Other than that, it was a very tough tournament.1 . Magnus Carlsen (DrNykterstein) became 2. Daniel Naroditsky (RebbecaHarris), 3. Sergei Zhigalko (Zhigalko_Sergei).In the tournament, Magnus could not see the wins in some matches, and although those who saw this were surprised, everyone supported Magnus.