
Thumbnail by me (@matabichos26)

A New Pawn Cube Opening?!

Discovering a brand new gambit in the Alekhine Defense

Special credit to Jonathan Schrantz (@zolpi) for being the most crazy gambit inventor out there!

Brief Summary Of What Happened So Far

If you really want to dive into my history with pawn cubes, take a closer look at my newest YouTube video:


After I had cut it (and even before I put it online the next morning), the story continued ...

A New Gambit

I wanted to play more pawn cube games and suddenly it dawned to me that there was a very easy way to achieve a pawn cube (with a little help from my opps) from the black side after 1. e4 (which happens in more than 50% of my bullet games with black).

1. e4 Nf6!?
2. e5 c5!!

The position after 3. exf6 exf6 has never been reached before (according to Masters database - and only 312 times according to Lichess database). Yeah, a new gambit!

But you will ask: Why do you give your pony away?
a) Because i can.
b) Because it is bullet and who cares about material??
c) Because of PAWN CUBE chance!!!

The important bishop maneuver

Bc8 > Bf5 > Bg6 (where it will be captured)
Or, more beautiful: Bc8 > Bg4 > Bh5 > Bg6 (where it will be captured)
Ok, you need a nice opp who takes your bishop on g6, but such things happen more often than you think!

The games so far

All the moments where I reached the pawn cube (and won the game; I lost 2 or 3 games too):

6 won games, not bad for an opening being a pony down after 3 moves!
As you can see (if you look at the games), the opening can transpose from a Sicilian or even Trompowsky!

And In Blitz?

But you will say: Ok, everyone can win a pony down in bullet.
You are right!
So I tried it in blitz (2+2).

Unfortunately I didn ́t achieve the pawn cube, but 3 (!) doubled pawns (including h7/h6 & f7/f6) are great, too!
And I won.

RESUME: Why this is good (vs. lower rated opps)

  • The pressure is on them - being a pony up and trying to convert the winning position is always tough vs. higher rated opps
  • The PAWN CUBE is a monster, and more, aestethically pleasing, playing around its corners is funny and chaotic and wild and silly (and I love silly chess structures)
  • Nevertheless this is an opening only for bullet (and maybe blitz) and/or vs. lower rated players

Have fun with the PAWN CUBE!
mata (@matabichos26)