
Guess the ELO ep1

I know it is like Levy's videos, but hey we are doing our best okay ? anyways in this series we will recive Games from the War & Peace Team members and analyse them, before making a guess about the player's Rating enjoy

This is the game, made sure to remove the names and ratings to not spoil the surprise

First, let's take a look at the opening. The game starts with 1.Nf3, which is a flexible move that can transpose into a variety of different openings. In this case, Black responds with 1...c6, which can lead to a Slav Defense or a Caro-Kann Defense after 2.d4 d5. White chooses to play 2.g3, indicating a fianchetto setup, and Black responds with 2...d5, solidifying the center.

After 3.Bg2 and 4.O-O, White has developed all their pieces and castled kingside. Black follows suit with 4...e6, and White plays 5.d3, preparing to control the center with e4. The position is roughly equal at this point, with no major mistakes or inaccuracies by either player.

However, on move 6, Black plays 6...Be7?! which is an inaccuracy according to the engine. The best move was 6...Bd6, which prepares to develop the bishop to e5 and put pressure on White's center. White responds with 7.Bb2, developing their bishop and preparing to castle queenside.

On move 10, White makes a mistake by playing 10.Nxe4?! instead of 10.dxe4, which would have kept the position roughly equal. Black responds with 10...Bb7, developing their bishop and putting pressure on White's knight. After 11.Re1 and 12.Nfd2, the position is still roughly equal, with both sides having completed their development.

On move 13, Black plays 13...Nxf6, exchanging knights and removing one of White's central pawns. This gives Black a small advantage, as their remaining knight can now jump into the outpost on d5. After 14.Be5 Qc8 and 15.Qxb7 Qxb7, Black has a slight advantage due to their superior pawn structure.

On move 17, Black plays 17...Nd5, attacking White's pawn on e4 and preparing to jump into the outpost on c4. White responds with 18.Re4, defending the pawn on e4 and preparing to double rooks on the e-file.

On move 20, Black plays 20...g6?!, which is an inaccuracy according to the engine. The best move was 20...Bd6, which prepares to exchange off White's strong bishop on b2. White responds with 21.Ng2, preparing to reroute the knight to a more active square.

On move 27, White makes a mistake by playing 27.f4?, allowing Black to gain control of the e4 square with their knight. The best move was 27.Rb1, defending the b2 pawn and preparing to double rooks on the b-file. Black responds with 27...Nc6?, missing the opportunity to play 27...Nf5!, which would have won a pawn.

On move 30, White blunders by playing 30.Nf4??, allowing Black to play 30...Nf3+ and win the queen. White resigns after this move.

Overall, both players made a few mistakes and inaccuracies throughout the game, but Black was able to take advantage of White's mistakes and win the game. Based on this game, I would estimate Black's Elo rating to be around 2200-2300, as they played solidly and capitalized on their opponent's mistakes. White's rating is a bit harder to estimate, as they made a few more mistakes than Black.

and now the revelation time