Two Knights Defending Each Other


The Knight Pair

Knights are so powerful together!

I've been thinking of this a lot, at high level almost all prefer the bishop pair, it's not even an expression to have the "knight pair". Although the knights can unify to make for really powerful attacks against the king and their forking potential is unrivalled. I would love to popularize this myself, let's try to setup unique scenarios where the knights shine and dominate. Also in endgame scenarios there are so many opportunities for forks. An interesting fact for newer players is that the bishop pair can checkmate a love king while it'll take 3 knights to checkmate a lone king with just a king OR 2 knights + the defending king having a pawn.

In several openings like King's Indian positions often times both knights together progress to maximize pressure against the enemy king. There are so many examples in games where the knight pair can really do some amazing things like positional clearance in closed positions and even sacking a knight for a fork with the other knight. In my forum post you can see some of the communities examples.

All in all just remember that sometimes coordinating the knight pair is more deadly than having the bishop pair, try it out in your games and see.