
sack@screenshot taking mode

3 check trap

Chess variantOpening
See this blog to see a cool 3 check trap....

Hi all, today I am going to write about a 3 check trap that people fall for quite often.

Lets begin.

What is the trap?

The trap is

  1. e4 Nc6
  2. Nc3 Nd4
  3. Nf3!? Nxf3+
  4. Qxf3 e6
  5. Bc4 Bc5!
  6. 0-0?? Qh4!!

If white follows up with Kh1 then you have Qxh2+ followed by Bd6#. There are many moves white might play so just click on the study for more.

White plays Kd1

But what if Kd1 instead of 0-0?

Then you have 6.Qf6! Qf6 trades the queen and at the same time threatens Qxf3+ so if white plays some random move like d3 (or like anything else) you simply take on f3 for a free second check. Another prime reason for Qf6 is if white trades queens your knight on g8 gets developed after 7. Nxf6. White will almost certainly trade so you don't need to learn theory for other moves. After 7.Nxf6 try to focus on moves like Nd5, Nxe4, or Ng4, threatening a second check. But do not try to sac pieces for a 2nd check. Wait till you have a good follow up threat.

After Nxf6 the main line is (out of 19 games)

8. f3 0-0
9. d3 d5
10. Bb3 dxe4
11. fxe4 Rd8.
After Rd8 you can maybe do Ng4 and Rxd3 or something like that.

Here is a little diagram with plans after Rd8.

See you later!!!!

End of post guys! See you umm sometime I guess lol bye