
Crazyhouse World Championship Candidates

Chess variant
A selective update on the story so far

This was inspired by the tournament chat here which in turn was inspired by the one game that I played.

CWCC karaoke lyrics to the first verse of this song

@Blitzbullet tops the stack
@JannLee's got to come up front
@Kleerkast's toughest match has been the one with 'Son'
A couple players have won matches coming from behind
Double-figure game point total means you're doing fine
@Zaraza streams for Russian speakers @Okei will analyze
But who's going to be the one to face Jasugi99?

The usual disclaimer about copyright applies, and furthermore I have not seen every game of every match.

One or two notable games though since I'm here:

Opperwezen v Blitzbullet: an object lesson in how to use the black pieces to deny your opponent any chance to get into the game

And a quite extraordinary game between Mariorton and Blitzbullet, where this time the latter does a phenomenal job of holding out for NINETY-FOUR moves, surely more than enough to win any zh game without increment