
Chess lyrics to existing songs

Chess Personalities
One night in Bangkok...

Yeah so we all know about Murray Head (brother of Anthony--you know, the bloke who was in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and, later, Little Britain and, most recently AFAIK, Ted Lasso) scoring a hit by definitely not playing Bobby Fischer in that musical by that Swedish bloke (who by the way is about to make another gabillion dollars through suckers a hologram of him and his ex, and his mate and his ex, appearing in various locations around the globe. What an age we live in).

So I'm not talking about that. What I am going to talk about will involve linking to youtube videos of which I absolutely do not claim copyright or anything of the sort, and if the copyright owner gets in touch I will comply with the relevant legislation (which is not even mentioned in the blog etiquette at the time of writing by the way...funny how some people are able to come up with so many original ideas and images by themselves in just a couple of days, isn't it?). YouTube is free at the point of delivery, and if it is a problem for me to post links here somehow then please let me know and I will describe them so that folk can take a few nanoseconds and find them on their own initiative through some search engine or other, because that will make a world of difference.


There is something that I frequently want to tell people who follow chess, but until tonight I never thought of having music to back me up. Check this from 1:18 and read the following as the lyrics:

Thou shalt not put titled players and/or artists on ridiculous pedestals no matter how great they are or were.
Kasparov is just a man
Max Euwe: just a man
Karjakin : just a man
Vlad Kramnik : just a man
Karpov : just a man
Tal : just a man
Morozov : just a man
Polgar: just a woman
Smyslov: just a man
Caruana: just a man
Spassky: just a man
Capablanca: just a man
Nakamura : just a man
Botvinnik: just a man
Magnus Carlsen : just a man
...the next big thing
...well, what do you think?!

(about the copyright thing...the BBC is stlll going after broadcasting this starting at 1:35).

And finally

thou shalt not play repetitive generic openings
thou shalt not play repetitive generic openings