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There was once a hobbit.. *Okay, i'm done that's enough*. If you ever sit down with a thick book and are facing this problem, this article can help!

A room without books is like a body without a soul," they say. Well, I agree 100% with that. I mean, think about the last time you picked up a book. Did you read the whole book before putting it down? *NOT RECOMMENDED ON THE NIGHT BEFORE YOUR EXAMINATIONS* Books are a way to truly become another person. You can be the boy who grew a Padawan braid. You can be the girl who drank the moon. You can be a boy who was the son of a Greek god. My point is, don't pick up a book, read a page and put it back down. If you don't like reading books, give them a try. But if you don't like reading big books, you chose the right blogpost.

Ways to truly master the art of reading thick books:

  • Try to read short books every night before you go to bed. After a certain number of short books you will grow slightly bored of them and want to move onto novels.

That was just the beginning. If you followed this, you are ready to move onto Phase 2. Congrats.

  • I recommend to start with Harry Potter. You should be able to finish it in one month if you read dedicatedly.
  • Try and make book reviews/talks, write down lists of the characters and write plot of the story in a nutshell. (If it's a series, write down different book reviews for all the books).
  • Think what you would do if were in the same situation as the characters.

This will take several months to accomplish, but when you're ready, you will become a master reader! Good luck and congratulations in advance!