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1e4+0.2c6+0.22d4+0.4d5+0.23e50.0Bf5+0.34c3+0.2e6+0.15Be2+0.3Nd7+0.56Nf3+0.2h6+0.57Nbd2+0.2c5+0.58Nb3−0.1c40.09Nbd20.0b5+0.110b30.0Ne7−0.111a4−0.1a6−0.112Ba30.0Nc6−0.113O-O−0.3Bxa3−0.114Rxa3−0.2O-O−0.215Qc1−0.5Nb6−0.116Qb2−0.2Qc70.017axb50.0axb50.018Rfa10.0Rxa30.019Rxa30.0Ra80.020Rxa8+0.0Nxa80.021Qa3−0.2Qa5−0.122Qb2−0.1Nb6−0.123b4−0.2Qa4−0.224Ne1−0.4Ne70.025g4?−1.1...Mistake. h4 was best.25.h4Nd726.Nf1[...]25...Bh7−0.726f4−0.7Qa7−0.227h4−0.6Na4?!−0.1Inaccuracy. Be4 was best.27...Be428Qa1−0.5Qb7?!+0.1Inaccuracy. Nc6 was best.28...Nc629.Ndf329h5−0.1Nc60.030Bd1−0.1Nb6?!+0.6Inaccuracy. Qe7 was best.30...Qe731Nef3?!0.0...Inaccuracy. Kf2 was best.31.Kf2f631...Qa70.032Qb20.0Na40.033Qa1−0.2Nb60.034Qb20.0Na40.035Qc10.0Nb60.036Bc20.0Qa2?!+0.9Inaccuracy. Bxc2 was best.36...Bxc237.Qxc2Qa3[...]37Bxh7++0.9Kxh7+0.738Qb1++0.7Qxb1++0.839Nxb1+0.9Na4+0.840f5+0.6Nd8+0.941Ne1+0.8Nc6+1.142Kg2?!0.0...Inaccuracy. Ng2 was best.42.Ng242...Na7?+1.2Mistake. exf5 was best.42...exf543.gxf5Ne7[...]43Kf3+1.3Nc6+1.844Kf4?!+0.9...Inaccuracy. Ng2 was best.44.Ng2exf545.gxf5[...]44...Nd8?!+1.8Inaccuracy. Kg8 was best.44...Kg845.Nf3Nb2[...]45Nc2+1.5Nc6+1.646Ne3?!+0.8...Inaccuracy. g5 was best.46.g546...Nb2+1.147Nc2+0.8Nd3++0.948Ke3+1.1Nb2+1.249Ne1+0.8Na4?!+1.7Inaccuracy. Kg8 was best.49...Kg850.Nf3Na4[...]50Kf4?!+0.8...Inaccuracy. Ng2 was best.50.Ng2exf550...Nd8+1.351Nf3+1.2Nc6+1.252g5+0.9Kg8?+2.1Mistake. Ne7 was best.52...Ne753.g6+53fxe6?+0.4...Mistake. gxh6 was best.53.gxh6gxh654.f6[...]53...fxe6+0.454gxh6+0.2gxh6+0.255Nh2+0.2Kg7+0.256Ng4+0.2Na7+0.257Nf6+0.2Kf7+0.258Nd7+0.2Nc8+0.559Nc50.0Ncb60.060Ke30.0Ke70.061Kd20.0Nc8+0.262Kc20.0Nab6?!+1.1Inaccuracy. Nxc5 was best.62...Nxc563.dxc5Kd7[...]63Nd2?!+0.4...Inaccuracy. Na3 was best.63.Na3Na764.Kd2[...]63...Kf7?!+1.1Inaccuracy. Na8 was best.63...Na864.Nf364Nf3+1.1Ne7+1.165Nh4+1.1Nbc8?!+1.7Inaccuracy. Na8 was best.65...Na866.Nb7Nc7[...]66Kd2?!+1.0...Inaccuracy. Na6 was best.66.Na6Na767.Nc7[...]66...Na7?!+2.0Inaccuracy. Nc6 was best.66...Nc667Na6+1.8Nac6+2.068Nc7+2.9Na7+3.069Ke3+2.8Nec6+2.770Ng6?!+1.9...Inaccuracy. Nf3 was best.70.Nf370...Ne7?!+2.7Inaccuracy. Nd8 was best.70...Nd871.Ke2Nb7[...]71Nh4+2.6Nec6+2.472Kf4+2.4Ne7+2.573Ng6?!+1.8...Inaccuracy. Nf3 was best.73.Nf3Ng874.Nh2[...]73...Nec6+1.874Nh8++1.6Ke7+1.475Ng6++1.3Kf7?!+2.0Inaccuracy. Kd7 was best.75...Kd776.Na6Ke8[...]76Kg4+1.7Ne7??+7.2Blunder. Nd8 was best.76...Nd877.Kf3Ndc6[...]77Nf4+6.6Nf5+7.078Nfxe6+6.8Ne3++7.179Kf3+6.8Nd1+6.180Ng5+??+1.1...Blunder. Nf4 was best.80.Nf480...hxg5+1.381e6++1.6Kf8+1.482h6?!+0.9...Inaccuracy. Nxd5 was best.82.Nxd5Nc683.Kg4[...]82...Nc6+0.983h7?!0.0...Inaccuracy. Nxd5 was best.83.Nxd5Nxc383...Kg70.084Nxd50.0Kxh7−0.185e7??−5.7...Blunder. Ke2 was best.85.Ke2Nxc3+86.Nxc3[...]85...Nxe7−4.286Nxe7−5.0Nxc3−3.787d5?−6.0...Mistake. Kg4 was best.87.Kg4Ne487...Kg7−5.888Nf5+−5.6Kf6−4.889Ne3?!−8.2...Inaccuracy. d6 was best.89.d6Ke689...Ke5−7.990Ng4+−8.0Kxd5−6.8
White resigned • Black is victorious
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2020.02.23"] [White "theknugdorf"] [Black "chgreg"] [Result "0-1"] [UTCDate "2020.02.23"] [UTCTime "18:01:46"] [WhiteElo "2026"] [BlackElo "1946"] [WhiteRatingDiff "-7"] [BlackRatingDiff "+22"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "2700+45"] [ECO "B12"] [Opening "Caro-Kann Defense: Advance, Short Variation"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Bf5 4. c3 e6 5. Be2 { B12 Caro-Kann Defense: Advance, Short Variation } Nd7 6. Nf3 h6 7. Nbd2 c5 8. Nb3 c4 9. Nbd2 b5 10. b3 Ne7 11. a4 a6 12. Ba3 Nc6 13. O-O Bxa3 14. Rxa3 O-O 15. Qc1 Nb6 16. Qb2 Qc7 17. axb5 axb5 18. Rfa1 Rxa3 19. Rxa3 Ra8 20. Rxa8+ Nxa8 21. Qa3 Qa5 22. Qb2 Nb6 23. b4 Qa4 24. Ne1 Ne7 25. g4? { (0.00 → -1.15) Mistake. h4 was best. } (25. h4 Nd7 26. Nf1 Qb3 27. Qa1 Nb6 28. Nd2 Qa4) 25... Bh7 26. f4 Qa7 27. h4 Na4?! { (-0.64 → -0.08) Inaccuracy. Be4 was best. } (27... Be4) 28. Qa1 Qb7?! { (-0.50 → 0.06) Inaccuracy. Nc6 was best. } (28... Nc6 29. Ndf3) 29. h5 Nc6 30. Bd1 Nb6?! { (-0.10 → 0.55) Inaccuracy. Qe7 was best. } (30... Qe7) 31. Nef3?! { (0.55 → 0.00) Inaccuracy. Kf2 was best. } (31. Kf2 f6) 31... Qa7 32. Qb2 Na4 33. Qa1 Nb6 34. Qb2 Na4 35. Qc1 Nb6 36. Bc2 Qa2?! { (0.00 → 0.86) Inaccuracy. Bxc2 was best. } (36... Bxc2 37. Qxc2 Qa3 38. Kf2 Na4 39. Nb1 Qa1 40. Kg2 Nb2 41. Ne1 Na4) 37. Bxh7+ Kxh7 38. Qb1+ Qxb1+ 39. Nxb1 Na4 40. f5 Nd8 41. Ne1 Nc6 42. Kg2?! { (1.08 → 0.00) Inaccuracy. Ng2 was best. } (42. Ng2) 42... Na7? { (0.00 → 1.20) Mistake. exf5 was best. } (42... exf5 43. gxf5 Ne7 44. Kf3 Nxf5 45. Ng2 g5 46. hxg6+ fxg6 47. Nf4 Ne7 48. Ne2 Nc6 49. Nf4) 43. Kf3 Nc6 44. Kf4?! { (1.83 → 0.90) Inaccuracy. Ng2 was best. } (44. Ng2 exf5 45. gxf5 f6 46. Nf4 fxe5 47. dxe5 d4 48. cxd4 c3 49. Na3 Nxd4+ 50. Ke4 c2) 44... Nd8?! { (0.90 → 1.82) Inaccuracy. Kg8 was best. } (44... Kg8 45. Nf3 Nb2 46. Na3 Na7 47. g5 Nd1 48. gxh6 Nxc3 49. hxg7 Kxg7 50. fxe6 fxe6 51. Ng5) 45. Nc2 Nc6 46. Ne3?! { (1.62 → 0.75) Inaccuracy. g5 was best. } (46. g5) 46... Nb2 47. Nc2 Nd3+ 48. Ke3 Nb2 49. Ne1 Na4?! { (0.77 → 1.67) Inaccuracy. Kg8 was best. } (49... Kg8 50. Nf3 Na4 51. Kd2 Kf8 52. Na3 Na7 53. Ng1 Ke8 54. Ne2 Ke7 55. Nc2 Nc6 56. Nf4) 50. Kf4?! { (1.67 → 0.76) Inaccuracy. Ng2 was best. } (50. Ng2 exf5) 50... Nd8 51. Nf3 Nc6 52. g5 Kg8? { (0.85 → 2.08) Mistake. Ne7 was best. } (52... Ne7 53. g6+) 53. fxe6? { (2.08 → 0.42) Mistake. gxh6 was best. } (53. gxh6 gxh6 54. f6 Kh7 55. Ke3 Nb8 56. Nh2 Na6 57. Ng4 Nc7 58. Nf2 Nb2 59. Ke2 Na6) 53... fxe6 54. gxh6 gxh6 55. Nh2 Kg7 56. Ng4 Na7 57. Nf6 Kf7 58. Nd7 Nc8 59. Nc5 Ncb6 60. Ke3 Ke7 61. Kd2 Nc8 62. Kc2 Nab6?! { (0.00 → 1.09) Inaccuracy. Nxc5 was best. } (62... Nxc5 63. dxc5 Kd7 64. Na3 Kc6 65. Kd1 Ne7 66. Nc2 Nf5 67. Ke2 Kb7 68. Na3 Ka6 69. Nc2) 63. Nd2?! { (1.09 → 0.38) Inaccuracy. Na3 was best. } (63. Na3 Na7 64. Kd2 Na8 65. Na6 Kd7 66. Nc2 Ke7 67. Ne3 Kf8 68. Ng4 Kg7 69. Nf6 Kf8) 63... Kf7?! { (0.38 → 1.09) Inaccuracy. Na8 was best. } (63... Na8 64. Nf3) 64. Nf3 Ne7 65. Nh4 Nbc8?! { (1.09 → 1.73) Inaccuracy. Na8 was best. } (65... Na8 66. Nb7 Nc7 67. Ng2 Kg8 68. Nd6 Nc6 69. Ne3 Kg7 70. Kd2 Kg8 71. Ng4 Kg7 72. Ke2) 66. Kd2?! { (1.73 → 1.01) Inaccuracy. Na6 was best. } (66. Na6 Na7 67. Nc7 Nec6 68. Ng6 Nd8 69. Kd2 Kg7 70. Ke2 Kf7 71. Ke3 Kg7 72. Nf4 Kf7) 66... Na7?! { (1.01 → 2.04) Inaccuracy. Nc6 was best. } (66... Nc6) 67. Na6 Nac6 68. Nc7 Na7 69. Ke3 Nec6 70. Ng6?! { (2.74 → 1.92) Inaccuracy. Nf3 was best. } (70. Nf3) 70... Ne7?! { (1.92 → 2.73) Inaccuracy. Nd8 was best. } (70... Nd8 71. Ke2 Nb7 72. Kd2 Nd8 73. Ke3 Nc8 74. Nxb5 Ke8 75. Nc7+ Kd7 76. Na6 Na7 77. Nc5+) 71. Nh4 Nec6 72. Kf4 Ne7 73. Ng6?! { (2.49 → 1.78) Inaccuracy. Nf3 was best. } (73. Nf3 Ng8 74. Nh2 Ke7 75. Ng4 Kf7 76. Kf3 Ke7 77. Ne3 Kd7 78. Na6 Ke7 79. Ng2 Nc8) 73... Nec6 74. Nh8+ Ke7 75. Ng6+ Kf7?! { (1.33 → 2.00) Inaccuracy. Kd7 was best. } (75... Kd7 76. Na6 Ke8 77. Nh4 Nd8 78. Nf3 Nc8 79. Nh2 Nb6 80. Nc7+ Kd7 81. Nxb5 Nf7 82. Na3) 76. Kg4 Ne7?? { (1.72 → 7.22) Blunder. Nd8 was best. } (76... Nd8 77. Kf3 Ndc6 78. Nf4 Nd8 79. Ke3 Ke7 80. Ncxd5+ exd5 81. Nxd5+ Kf8 82. Nf6 Nac6 83. Ng4) 77. Nf4 Nf5 78. Nfxe6 Ne3+ 79. Kf3 Nd1 80. Ng5+?? { (6.14 → 1.14) Blunder. Nf4 was best. } (80. Nf4) 80... hxg5 81. e6+ Kf8 82. h6?! { (1.44 → 0.85) Inaccuracy. Nxd5 was best. } (82. Nxd5 Nc6 83. Kg4 Nxc3 84. e7+ Nxe7 85. Nxc3 Kg7 86. Kxg5 Nc6 87. d5 Nxb4 88. h6+ Kh7) 82... Nc6 83. h7?! { (0.94 → 0.00) Inaccuracy. Nxd5 was best. } (83. Nxd5 Nxc3) 83... Kg7 84. Nxd5 Kxh7 85. e7?? { (-0.06 → -5.66) Blunder. Ke2 was best. } (85. Ke2 Nxc3+ 86. Nxc3 Nxd4+ 87. Ke3 Nxe6 88. Nxb5 Kg6 89. Nd6 c3 90. Kd3 g4 91. Ne4 c2) 85... Nxe7 86. Nxe7 Nxc3 87. d5? { (-3.69 → -6.00) Mistake. Kg4 was best. } (87. Kg4 Ne4) 87... Kg7 88. Nf5+ Kf6 89. Ne3?! { (-4.84 → -8.19) Inaccuracy. d6 was best. } (89. d6 Ke6) 89... Ke5 90. Ng4+ Kxd5 { White resigns. } 0-1
12 inaccuracies
3 mistakes
2 blunders
42 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
12 inaccuracies
2 mistakes
1 blunder
34 Average centipawn loss
  1. theknugdorf Bd1, is teh plan
  2. sgis we have a nice double bathtub
  3. roso97 I dont quite get Nb6, the N on a4 tied the Q to the defense of the c3 pawn
  4. theknugdorf pawn pushes, commence
  5. Lanoc Nb2->d3->xb4?
  6. roso97 I dont quite know who is better so I am just gonna say it is a draw
  7. Lanoc Sorry, can just take on c3 immediately for that...
  8. Lanoc No, can't
  9. Robzored 44... Nxb4? Seems like that pawn becomes scary...i guess Na3-c2 blocks it
  10. TaielChess I am also thinking about sacrificing the knight for a pawn push but I dont know if it will work
  11. TaielChess also they are under time pressure
  12. theknugdorf his pawns aren't going anywhere, so I might as well get my king into a better position
  13. theknugdorf Nc2-Na3, is the plan
  14. TaielChess I will also go for lanoc plan, Nb2 to c3 and then taking on the d4 leavin b4 hanging
  15. TaielChess but white can easily defends that threat
  16. Lanoc Looks like black isn't going to try for anything. (can't say I blame him)
  17. TaielChess maybe f6 for white at some point now that the king is very active and the knight is around
  18. Robzored Black going for Nd3 and sac on b4?
  19. TaielChess it seems
  20. TaielChess Nc2 holds against that plan
  21. gigantaure nd3 to get the e pawn?
  22. Robzored Even if Nc2 that d3 blaxk knight is obnoxious
  23. TaielChess nd3 to sac the other knight on d4 and then capturing on b4
  24. Black offers draw
  25. White declines draw
  26. theknugdorf what I really want to do is sac this f knight on d5, but apparently that is too much to ask.
  27. theknugdorf so much prophylaxis from his knights
  28. theknugdorf it couldn't be done earlier because his knight on b2 would go to d3 and check my king, forcing him away from the push
  29. theknugdorf idea being Nxd5,exN, e6, fxe and then fxe.
  30. theknugdorf then after whatever move he makes, get my king to e5.
  31. theknugdorf it's a gate, shut in both direction. Cool.
  32. theknugdorf are we actually getting the knight sac?
  33. TaielChess take your time knugdorf before the sac
  34. TaielChess you have that time
  35. sgis this might get spicy
  36. TaielChess at least this game will be decisive
  37. sgis except is W goes Ng4
  38. sgis *if
  39. TaielChess omg their match isbtied
  40. roso97 I dont quite see the sac working, I could be wrong tho
  41. TaielChess I also think the sac wasn't promising
  42. sgis I'm glad it's not me playing with 4 Ns and ~1 min on the clock
  43. roso97 at least your knights cant get forked
  44. sgis good point hehe
  45. theknugdorf I believe this is a draw
  46. TaielChess 60.Nb7?!
  47. sgis Nb7 does what?
  48. roso97 threatens Nd6 maybe?
  49. TaielChess yeah but Ke7 is sufficient maybe
  50. theknugdorf unless the b5 pawn falls, of course
  51. TaielChess did white somehow trick black?
  52. roso97 white should bring a knight to c7 to secure the pawns and it should be fine I think
  53. TaielChess thanks god Im an spectator and Im not playing
  54. roso97 not quite sure how white brakes through then
  55. roso97 but you should start doing it now, before they get their knight to g4
  56. roso97 this probably works too, get the knight to f4
  57. roso97 f5
  58. roso97 but you should probably still get a knight to c7 at one point I think
  59. TaielChess 67.Nb7 now?
  60. TaielChess omg this game
  61. TaielChess I would lose in both sides
  62. roso97 wouldnt you love to have a black knight on c7 instead of a7 now?
  63. sgis very neat arrrangement of Knights on the 7th
  64. jessehf this should be a draw if neither player chokes
  65. theknugdorf did I mention... 40 moves ago how I can't stand locked positions?
  66. jessehf just dont blunder to Nf4 now
  67. jessehf wait this is a zugy
  68. TaielChess the last capture was at move 54, so until move 104 the game is alive if a pawn move or a capture is not made
  69. jessehf Nf4 now the pawn on e6
  70. jessehf what?
  71. roso97 There was Nf5 right?
  72. TaielChess I was also thinking of Nf4
  73. jessehf ah yeah then Ng7 but
  74. jessehf really passive but should hold
  75. TaielChess maybe white is trying to put black on zugswang?
  76. roso97 but white might actually break through now, because isnt this sorta Zugzwang for black? what neutral moves do they have?
  77. toni4127 72. Nxd4? Was that a missed win?
  78. roso97 does this work?
  79. jessehf how is that winning c3 Ke3 you are within the square
  80. roso97 Isnt the king in the square?
  81. TaielChess you are missing the rule of the square
  82. TaielChess white is in time
  83. toni4127 Long game :P sorry.
  84. jessehf he trades h for e this is a really double edge move
  85. roso97 It is getting to the point that in the game which started 2 hours after this one are getting somewhat shorter on time :)
  86. jessehf rook pawns are tough for knights to deal with
  87. Lanoc They might know whether they have to play for a draw or a win by the end.
  88. TaielChess 76...Nxd4!!
  89. roso97 yes now it seems to work
  90. TaielChess the king is out of the square
  91. roso97 or does it?
  92. roso97 can the knight get back in time?
  93. sgis the king has left the building
  94. Lanoc Knight gets back
  95. jessehf yeah the knight goes back to d3
  96. Lanoc But maybe other knight to c6 then?
  97. roso97 so close yet that one tempo makes all the difference
  98. hicetnunc Nc6 Na6 after the sac
  99. jessehf yeah quite sharp that could be playable
  100. hicetnunc unclear
  101. roso97 I dont think you will be in time, white can always go to c1 right?
  102. jessehf now Nf4
  103. roso97 now Nf4?
  104. jessehf does win
  105. roso97 :(
  106. hicetnunc hard to play with 2' on the clock
  107. roso97 there are maybe some tricks connected to the c-pawn
  108. sgis nooooooo
  109. sgis ah Nd1 maybe ok still for black?
  110. roso97 if white gets the c pawn it might actually not be that clear
  111. sgis black, you mean=
  112. roso97 yeah
  113. Lanoc Nf4 e6 Ng6 is winning?
  114. roso97 it probably is
  115. roso97 very unfortunate geometry for black
  116. TaielChess tricky knightss
  117. theknugdorf I mean there IS a knight sac...
  118. roso97 but maybe you can go to f6 after e6 and go Nc6 or c8?
  119. roso97 looks very shaky
  120. Lanoc Oh, there's Ng5.
  121. TaielChess is knugdorf calculating Nxd5?
  122. Lanoc Hmm, that can't work
  123. TaielChess or what knight sac is he talking about
  124. roso97 Nd5 probably
  125. roso97 i refuse to believe that works
  126. Lanoc Maybe Ng5 is working.
  127. sgis ng5
  128. sgis mamma mia
  129. roso97 can this work?
  130. TaielChess 3 seconds lol
  131. Lanoc Brave move
  132. sgis let's take the N
  133. sgis and calculate later
  134. sgis this is bullet now
  135. TaielChess nah you have 45 seconds increment
  136. roso97 its a mess, but yeah, might as well take it and have a look around after
  137. TaielChess another game in the highlight
  138. Lanoc Taking is losing.
  139. Lanoc Not taking is probably losing too though
  140. roso97 is it?
  141. sgis Nc6?
  142. roso97 what is the winning line for white after Nc6 here?
  143. Lanoc Nxd5
  144. roso97 Kg8?
  145. roso97 Now Kg7 for sure
  146. roso97 yeah
  147. Lanoc Ok, I was mistaken.
  148. roso97 take on h7, sack on e7 I guess?
  149. TaielChess this game started at 18:00 utc
  150. TaielChess more than 3 hours of play
  151. roso97 how is that knight ending?
  152. sgis it's still unclear
  153. roso97 to passed pawns for black
  154. sgis to me at least
  155. roso97 two
  156. jessehf what a crazy game i just came back why did white sac a knight earlier?
  157. jessehf on g5
  158. sgis but better for black now I guess?
  159. roso97 but the dpawn is running fast
  160. TaielChess so is black better now?
  161. roso97 i am not sure
  162. jessehf black must be better Nx d5 Kg7 d6 Kf7
  163. sgis nobody knows
  164. roso97 yeah your right, I missed that idea
  165. roso97 in that case black is probably winning right?
  166. TaielChess why not Kg7 immediately instead of sac
  167. jessehf yes black should win with correct technical play
  168. jessehf i said Nxc3 d5
  169. jessehf not Nxd5
  170. jessehf i didnt complete the Nxc3 sentence cuz i thought you would all get what i wanted to say
  171. roso97 looks like he spotted the idea
  172. theknugdorf I didn't think of this
  173. theknugdorf It's too slow, no?
  174. jessehf idk about slow but it looks fast enough to catch the passer
  175. sgis :lul:
  176. jessehf hard to suggest a move for black but this just drives the black king right where he wants to go anyways
  177. jessehf to suggest a move for white*
  178. roso97 what is the plan on Ke5?
  179. jessehf resigns most likely
  180. sgis gg
  181. jessehf as i said Nf5+ gave a full move to black
  182. roso97 what a game, what a game
  183. roso97 I am eager to see the graph on this one
  184. sgis kudos to both players for playing this one out till the bitter end
  185. tadch GG
  186. roso97 gg
  187. jessehf maybe +0. something for white or equal all the way until the action moves
  188. gigantaure gg
  189. jessehf where black lost e6
  190. chgreg wow
  191. chgreg what a game
  192. theknugdorf What a game
  193. Lanoc Epic game.
  194. TaielChess 3 hs and 40 minutes omg
  195. TaielChess what an amazing game
  196. TaielChess gg
  197. chgreg thx
  198. theknugdorf Crazy game
  199. theknugdorf Can't believe I botched it
  200. theknugdorf Very well played, chgreg. Kg7 was a good find. Only winning move, it seems.