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1e40.0e6+0.32d4+0.1d5+0.23Nc30.0c5?!+0.8Inaccuracy. Nf6 was best.3...Nf64.e5Nfd7[...]4dxc5+0.3Bxc5?!+0.9Inaccuracy. d4 was best.4...d45.Nb5Nc6[...]5exd5+0.9Bb4?+2.4Mistake. exd5 was best.5...exd56.Bb5+Nd7[...]6Bb5++2.1Bd7+2.57dxe6+3.0fxe6+2.58Bxd7++1.9Qxd7+2.19Qh5++1.7g6??+3.9Blunder. Qf7 was best.9...Qf710Qe5+3.8Nc6+3.711Qxh8+4.4O-O-O+4.612Bg5?+2.8...Mistake. Bf4 was best.12.Bf412...Nge7??+8.0Blunder. Rf8 was best.12...Rf813.a313Qxh7+8.0
Black resigned • White is victorious
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2020.07.23"] [White "jockboi"] [Black "CJ_Zimmermann"] [Result "1-0"] [UTCDate "2020.07.23"] [UTCTime "19:59:32"] [WhiteElo "1635"] [BlackElo "1428"] [WhiteRatingDiff "+11"] [BlackRatingDiff "-9"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "2700+45"] [ECO "C10"] [Opening "Sicilian Defense: Marshall Gambit"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 c5?! { (0.00 → 0.81) Inaccuracy. Nf6 was best. } { C10 Sicilian Defense: Marshall Gambit } (3... Nf6 4. e5 Nfd7 5. Nce2 c5 6. c3 Be7 7. f4 Nc6 8. Nf3) 4. dxc5 Bxc5?! { (0.28 → 0.88) Inaccuracy. d4 was best. } (4... d4 5. Nb5 Nc6 6. Nf3 e5 7. c3 a6 8. Nd6+ Bxd6 9. cxd6) 5. exd5 Bb4? { (0.92 → 2.41) Mistake. exd5 was best. } (5... exd5 6. Bb5+ Nd7 7. Qxd5 Qe7+ 8. Qe4 a6 9. Be2 Ngf6 10. Qxe7+) 6. Bb5+ Bd7 7. dxe6 fxe6 8. Bxd7+ Qxd7 9. Qh5+ g6?? { (1.72 → 3.88) Blunder. Qf7 was best. } (9... Qf7) 10. Qe5 Nc6 11. Qxh8 O-O-O 12. Bg5? { (4.55 → 2.82) Mistake. Bf4 was best. } (12. Bf4) 12... Nge7?? { (2.82 → 7.95) Blunder. Rf8 was best. } (12... Rf8 13. a3) 13. Qxh7 { Black resigns. } 1-0
0 inaccuracies
1 mistake
0 blunders
33 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
2 inaccuracies
1 mistake
2 blunders
95 Average centipawn loss
  1. david-innes Go go cj
  2. david-innes I wonder if jockboi is from Scotland like me
  3. david-innes Everyone who's name is Jack in Scotland he would be called Jock
  4. david-innes In fact all Scotsmen are referred to as Jocks
  5. ssyx Very different meaning in US ))
  6. MrScribbles Whoa. Is this a piece sacrifice? 7.dxe6
  7. david-innes I'm was thinking that but he maybe thinking he could get the Queen after pxp check
  8. MrScribbles Well, Black decided not to take it anyway.
  9. david-innes I think the B covered the Queen square
  10. david-innes I'm not to familiar with the French I'm not sure if black should have played pc e4 earlier
  11. david-innes Wow this is tricky
  12. david-innes Go go cj
  13. mmatros (10) surely we can take h8
  14. david-innes O o o threatens mate in 2
  15. david-innes Depending
  16. david-innes Yo go go CJ
  17. mmatros (12) hmm
  18. mmatros (13) so let's try Nd4??
  19. mmatros (13) I guess he just castles
  20. mmatros (13) boo resign
  21. david-innes Bloody hell BxB, pxB , Q d4 attacking the B and G 2
  22. mmatros what move?
  23. david-innes From the last position