
Please, ban non-fair players.

Lichess can know the status of your connection in every moment (you can go to your profile and see the ping) and can easily know when you're taking too long to make a move after a blunder or in a forced checkmate while your connection has no problem. Lichess could warn those who have these behaviors in real time and then take action if they are not corrected.
I'm afraid, the site cannot distinguish if your connection has a problem or you simply rage-quit and close the lichess tab.
For the site, the result is the same, you lost the connection to the site, for some reason.

You might improve the detection if the user reconnects within a few seconds and lands on the last viewed page.
Nevertheless, if you close the tab for a longer period of time, the difference is indistinguishable.
#13: "I'm afraid, the site cannot distinguish if your connection has a problem or you simply rage-quit and close the lichess tab."

So the site's Javascript cannot react to an "onbeforeunload" event by firing off a quick notification to the server that the user is closing his browser or tab?

EDIT: Or will this detect a false positive when the user re-loads the page?
Whats the problem you get the points for the win or why are you intent with punishing someone?
@MrGood8 : Trying to answer your question. I've just played a 15+15 game. Opponent asked for a takeback in move 32 - I declined. In move 46 he considered his position lost -I assume- and stopped playing until his time ran out (no disconnect). Because he played very fast until this point I had to wait 20 minutes for that to happen, monitoring the game on a second screen.
Looking at his other lost 15+15 games I found one with the same pattern: Not getting his takeback - let the clock run down with 17 minutes left on the clock.
Being forced to sit there, just because someone is pettish - yes I'd like to have a way to encourage people to play fair, and if punishing is the way to achieve that - yes please!

Maybe the solution is semi-shadowbanning: Let those players play against each other in addition to temporary bans.
So you got the points for winning you lost nothing. You just like punishing people. Maybe the solution is to shadow-mute people who love to punish.
There are a lot of punishers out there!! We know this kind of people and we also know what they are able to, if we let them do it...
@Morozov Don't be rude? Are you 12? You literally claimed out of your ass that this doesn't happen often, then I said it does and you say "Random observation does not count as evidence". Ok hypocrite, guess you win.

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