
How to make money without a real job?

My friend lives at the condo I used to work at. He has to be wealthy, only millionaires live there. And I don't have to trust him and I don't pay for his advice. I did my own research on KMI & T. Recessions are not a problem because people will be always using natural gas to heat their homes and they will always be using the internet. I provided two Seeking Alpha links which repeatedly explain why these are excellent investments as are many other companies which have a very long history of raising the dividend every year.

Hoping for capital gains is gambling. There are winners and losers but they all have to fear market crashes whether they are young or old. The idea to have a rapidly growing income from dividends has the advantage of not having to worry about anything. For example both KMI and T continued to raise their dividend during the most recent recession. Look at their history.

Paying fees for somebody else to make investment decisions is ridiculous. That's for people who either have no brain or are very lazy. You advice translated: "You're too stupid to make your own decisions so you have to pay someone else to do that for you."

What is wrong with young people having a growing income which they don't have to work for? What's wrong with having an extra income during hard times when people lose their jobs?

People investing for dividend income can retire at a young age, and then for the rest of their lives continue to increase their income with more investments and/or automatic dividend increases every 3 months or every year. What is wrong with retiring at a young age with an income that will grow forever?

What most people do after they retire is spend their savings, and hope they drop dead before those saving run out. With a growing dividend income they would not have to fear having a long life. The idea is called "Don't touch the principal." People starting at a young age means they greatly benefit from those automatic dividend increases every year. That along with reinvesting dividends (for free, no professional crook taking part of their savings) makes "Don't touch the principal" possible.
"Hoping for capital gains is gambling."

Every possibility is a gamble. Day trading, mutual funds, dividend stocks, bonds, even hiding some cash under your mattress. It's all a gamble, including your sacred KMI and T shares. If you want reliable returns then you should be looking at bonds.

"You're too stupid to make your own decisions so you have to pay someone else to do that for you."

You propose spending $9 a trade. If you diversify like an intelligent person, that's at least 4-5 trades, if not more. The passive index funds I have my money in on Vanguard charge 0.09% a year. With 10k in mutual funds, that's $10 a year. Seems reasonable to me.

I'll stick to my original claim that dividends are not great for young investors trying to build wealth. I'm far from the only one with this opinion.

Two of the better explanations I've found in a quick search on the topic.

And I'll wrap up with a graph showing KMI's mediocre performance in the last few years.
I make money money playing chess because I play at work :p

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