
Download feature disabled?

I tried to mass download my blitz games, so I could see my performance in various opening lines and it told me that this feature is disabled.

Any particular reason for that? And when it will be available again?
try the export games button on your profile page. It exports all of your games, but better than nothing.
Export from search results is temporarily disabled because it seemed to triggers some bug, leading to server crashes.

Use the workaround mention in #2

#3 Other ways to download a very large amount of games is not recommended, max 4 requests can be done per second.
Exporting all is exactly like nothing, since not only it pulls bullet games and these are obviously garbage, but it also pulls variants and these can't even be read by Scid properly. And I see no way to filter those.

And it would be cool if lichess made use of "variant" tag, since there actually IS a "variant" tag in lichess header.
I meant that there is a "variant" tag in PGN header.

I will wait until the feature for downloading games is restored. Thank you for your response, flugsio.

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