
Correspondance Chess

It's the same for me sakkozik I'm playing 13 games and It says I have 9 games in play
Wow. Correspondence rating is now listed in the pop-up. Good job!
Now correspondence is almost perfect. Only disturbing thing is that finished games don't appear in the history. All of a sudden games disappear ( because of resignation, time out, I don't know ), but the game does not show up in history, so I don't know which one was finished.

If you fix this I donate another $20.

I have already donated $20, so you can see I'm not the jokin' type :).

I'm the serious one :). My money is where my mouth is.
It appears in the history but sometimes really far because you began your game 15 days ago for example and you play many games between the beginning and the end
I think lichess should put the finished game as a game in play, like we're turn.
there isn't more the trophies for correspondance chess too
Come on. History should be in the order of the time when the game was finished ( not when started ). I'm not interested in the fact that I started a game a month ago. I already know this. What I'm interested in, is that the game I started a month ago, was finished yesterday. And I want to find this out from yesterday's history.
I don't care for trophies. This is a sideline. I won't donate a cent for trophies.
My alternative suggestion is that in the notification panel on the left side ( where for example appears if someone posts in a thread I posted in, or joins a team that I'm a member of, or starts following me, etc. ) a notification of finished correspondence game should appear.


moi373737 posted in topic Correspondance Chess 14 hours ago

correspondence game was drawn by agreement 1 day ago
Friend,You have many good Ideas,You are good Player and honest man,You from Hungary really?

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