
Are the lichess forums targeted at an adult audience?

I always wondered about the official stance of the mods on this issue: Could I, for example, mindlessly yap about sex, drugs and other "mature-oriented" topics on the global boards without needing to fear the ban hammer? Not that I actually intend to do this, but it would be nice to hear exactly what things are off-limits and which ones pass. I know as a certainty that discussions about cheating are not approved and the threads which cater them are usually locked very quickly, so I'd like to hear if there's anything else that we, as the users, should avoid.

Though honestly, references like that generally don't belong in serious chess discussion. There is a difference between 'edgy' and 'mature'.

In the off-topic forum though, go wild.

Okay, something offbeat like one's BDSM experiences will probably not get a good reaction from the community and we might close it. Not because we're prudish, but because of the hostile comments that will inevitably follow. But generally speaking, topics are rarely closed in the off-topic forum, not until they devolve into basic insults. We almost never pre-emptively close/delete a topic.
More direct answer: it's targeted towards a 'late teens' audience minimum, particularly considering there is a kid mode that locks out the forum altogether.
Thank you for your quick and concise answer, Hellball! Actually expected the forum policies to be much less lax than that, well, learn something new everyday. :)
This would have been a nice Q&A Question. I'll ctrl+c and ctrl+v it there.
As Hellball says, we attempt very soft-touch moderation, where possible. A community should grow organically, not harshly pruned and forced to grow only in one direction.

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