
Analysis board hosting

It would be a nice feature if the one that hosts an analysis board unlocked from legal moves only like on Board Editor could invite other people, or at least one to join and make moves too.
It's a great idea to have a synchronized way to analyze with friends. Otherwise you're stuck with just playing casual games with friends while doing takebacks over and over.
Please do it! Most needed feature on lichess!
Yes! The ability to use the analysis board with another user would be very helpful for teaching students, group analysis, etc.
I think this was requested feature since at least last year.

It would be great to see it implemented.
Yes - this really needs to be a thing! I will volunteer to be a beta tester - I am sure Fins would be happy to try it out and give feedback during our lessons.
It's a longstanding item on the roadmap. Your suggestions are not falling on deaf ears. :) It will happen eventually. But as always, there is no ETA.

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