
Favorite Chess Quotes

I take it you are a woman. Hey I didn't say it, this was Kasparov, for a time the best chess player in the world.

1.) Chess is a contributor to net human unhappiness, since the pleasure of victory is greatly exceeded by the pain of defeat. - Bill Hartston

2.)When asked, "How is that you pick better moves than your opponents?", I responded: "I'm very glad you asked that, because, as it happens, there is a very simple answer. I think up my own moves, and I make my opponent think up his". - Alexander Alekhine

3.) A chess player never has a heart attack in a good position. - Bent Larsen

4.) The most powerful weapon in chess is to have the next move. - David Bronstein

5.) There just isn't enough televised chess. - David Letterman
@#20 (Hellball's post):

Chess is played on a board with sixty-four squares, and the two remaining ones are the chess players themselves!
A millionaire : Mr Steinitz, you play chess for money, I play for Honor !
Steinitz : We both play for what we have not.
"Patzer sees a check, gives a check!"

- Bobby Fischer
Even the laziest king flees wildly in the face of double check. - Aaron Nimzowitsch
"If we look in chess history for a 'double' of Petrosian, we arrive at Capablanca. Petrosian is not a tiger that pounces on its prey, but rather a python, that smothers its victim, or a a crocodile, waiting for hours for a convenient moment to land a decisive blow." - Max Euwe

I like Petrosian :-)

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