
Favorite Chess Quotes

Instead of making a substanceless post, how about you make your own contribution to the topic? :P
You stole my contribution. Then I realized that it's not my favorite quote anyway.

"A good player knows where to put the pieces"
"I've lost more games than I played..."

I don't know where I heard it actually... probably here XD

"If the king does not lead, how can he expect his subordinates to follow" - Lelouch Vi Britannia (fictional character)
"After 1 e4 white’s game is in its last throes"
- Gyula Breyer
@ the OP: "Pawns are the soul of the game"

that is my favorite quote as well! :)

Now one which hasn't been mentioned before: 'An ordinary game of Chess is played on a board, with 66 squares.'
Umm *scratches head*
#19, care to explain the meaning of the second quote? I don't get what the two imaginary squares could be
"My opponent is Short and the match will be short." Garry Kasparov 1993
"Women, by their nature, are not exceptional chess players: they are not great fighters."

"Chess is mental torture" -Kasparov

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