
For Beginners: Ruy Lopez Opening, Berlin Defense

1 • AmadeusHatesChessFr •
  1. Point of Reference
  2. What is the Ruy Lopez Opening?
  3. The Berlin Defense
  4. Is Bb5 a threat to win the e5 pawn in the Ruy Lopez?
  1. AmadeusHatesChessFr

Learn the Caro-Kann like a BOSS

1698 • NoseKnowsAll •
  1. Learning from this study
  2. The Dojo Sparring Philosophy
  3. Introduction to the Caro-Kann
  4. Section 1: Main line (3. Nc3 dxe4)
  1. GM jessekraai
  2. dylanhake
  3. NoseKnowsAll

WIN with 1. f4! | Bird Opening

500 • Bosburp •
  1. Introduction
  2. The Usual Setup
  3. Section 1: Dutch Variation 1...d5
  4. Dutch Variation: 2...c5 Massive Attack!
  1. Bosburp

mini book traps

1 • colt45nine •
  1. Italian common mistakes!
  2. Italian variation 3...h6?! ( Anti-Fried Liver Defense )
  3. vs ruy lopez ( Mortimer Variation )
  4. Danish Gambit loose queen
  1. colt45nine

초보를 위한 QGD 주요 라인 맛보기

1 • rhineland •
  1. 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6
  2. 전형적인 진행
  3. 엘리펀트 트랩
  4. QGD 메인라인 - 라스커 디펜스
  1. rhineland

Gambito Danés.

5 • L46UN35 •
  1. Main Opening Ideas.
  2. Goodbye.
  3. Poisoned Pawn.
  4. Beginner Mistake.
  1. L46UN35

Beating the London System

9 • Shadow1414 •
  1. Without c3 and against Qc1 after Qb6.
  2. Without c3 and against b3 after Qb6
  3. Without c3 and against Nc3 after Qb6
  4. Against c3
  1. Shadow1414

Grunfeld Defense Repertoire

333 • IndianDefense •
  1. Introduction
  2. The Exchange Variation
  3. The Exchange Variation, 7. Bc4
  4. The Exchange Variation, 7. Nf3
  1. IndianDefense

Racing Kings Openings II

3 • Guitar09 •
  1. King's Opening/Bishops Opening
  2. Kings Opening Knights Variation
  3. Bishops Opening Variation
  4. Practice I: King/Bishops Variation as White
  1. Hammer_Strike
  2. la_pioggia
  3. Jaraxis
  4. Ananddeepu

Sicilian Accelerated Dragon | Full Repertoire

785 • Monnt •
  1. == Introduction ==
  2. == Variations Overview ==
  3. == Main Lines ==
  4. Modern Variation
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974
  2. Monnt
  3. Dr_KaspEvil

Playing 1.e4 e5: A Classical Repertoire Part 2

21 • EKAFC •
  2. ❻CHAPTER 6: TWO KNIGHTS — 4.d4 and 4.d3
  3. The Original Morphy Attack (5.Ng5?!)
  4. The Improved Morphy Attack (5.0-0)
  1. EKAFC


1 • Vardaan2809 •
  1. Introduction
  2. C00 French Defense
  1. Vardaan2809

Opening: ? v Mike

1 • WellowMike •
  1. White’s First Move
  2. Scandinavian Defence: a Simple Set-up for Beginners
  3. Queen’s Pawn Opening
  1. WellowMike

Grob's opening

1 • ehenkes •
  1. Theorie
  2. Koivisto_7.0-x64-windows-avx2 - stockfish_14.1_win_x64_bmi2
  3. lc0 - RubiChess-2021_x86-64-bmi2
  4. berserk-8.5.1-x64-avx2-pext - stockfish_14.1_win_x64_bmi2
  1. ehenkes

(In progress) Bf4 against the Indian defense

2 • HeyyItsDylan •
  2. CHAPTER 1.1 - 4... Nxd5
  3. 5... Bb4+
  4. 5... Bd6
  1. Xzy_9111581314
  2. HeyyItsDylan


4 • ehenkes •
  1. Aljechin-Chatard-Angriff
  2. Blackmar-Diemer-Gambit
  3. Blumenfeld-Gambit
  4. Budapester Gambit
  1. ehenkes