
KING'S GAMBIT Staunton Handbook chapter 4 🎓🔥

26 • Kramopolis •
  1. 1. King Knights Gambit game 1
  2. 1. King Knights Gambit Game 2
  3. 1. King Knights Gambit game 3
  4. 1. King Knights Gambit ex 1 der Laza, V. H. - Bledow, Dr.
  1. Kramopolis

A deep study of the Grob

363 • ThatRaisinTho •
  1. Overview
  2. The most well known trap
  3. Center Claim Defense: Queen Trap
  4. Knight Trap
  1. ThatRaisinTho


2 • Raksha092011 •
  1. Chapter 2
  2. Chapter 3
  1. Raksha092011

Benko Gambit

134 • anthonyrr2 •
  1. Chapter 1 : Intoduction
  2. Chapter 2 : Avoiding the Gambit with the pawn
  3. Chapter 3 : Vaganian Gambit; Avoiding the Gambit with the Knight
  4. Chapter 4 : Variation
  1. anthonyrr2

Orthoschnapp Gambit

115 • foxman98 •
  1. The Orthoschnapp Gambit
  2. The Gambit Accepted
  3. The Gambit Accepted - 5...Nh6
  4. The Gambit Accepted - 5...Qe7
  1. foxman98

⚫ Petrov's Defence / Russische Verdeidigung 🇷🇺

44 • fl0x23 •
  1. Main Variation
  2. Stafford Oh no my queen!
  3. Stafford Oh no my queen 2!
  4. Stafford Oh no my queen 3!
  1. fl0x23

Trap Against Sicilian Dragon - Ginsberg Gambit

6 • ConcealedBaguette •
  1. Intro- Ginsberg Gambit
  2. The Trap
  3. The Refutation / Main Line Ginsberg Gambit
  1. ConcealedBaguette

⚪ Until the Italian Game / Bis zur Italienischen Partie 🇨🇮

6 • fl0x23 •
  1. Main Variation
  2. B01 Scandinavian Defense: Mieses-Kotroc Variation
  3. B02 Alekhine Defence
  1. fl0x23

Stafford Gambit

917 • wyggam •
  1. Stafford Gambit accepted : Overview
  2. Stafford Gambit : The Big trap - 5. d3 Bc5 6. Bg5
  3. Stafford Gambit : 5. e5 Ne4 6. d4
  4. Stafford Gambit : 5. e5 Ne4 6. d3
  1. Z0r0astre
  2. wyggam

Blumenfeld-Gambit DE

39 • The5LMGVGOTY •
  1. Studieneröffnung
  2. Gambit angenommen - 7. e3
  3. Gambit angenommen - 7. Lf4
  1. Friedrichd
  3. Lennard08
  4. Seegurke22

Blackmar-Diemer Gambit (In Progress)

74 • anacampserote •
  1. Blackmar-Diemer Gambit
  2. Main Line
  3. Ryder Gambit
  4. Ryder Gambit Accepted
  1. anacampserote

Orthoschnapp as black

1 • BossStephen •
  1. The Opening Moves
  2. 6...Nd7
  3. 6...Nf6
  1. BossStephen


1 • jlehocz •
  1. Halhatatlan játszma
  2. 2021.02.23 1. Alan_Smith - fatsara
  3. 2021.02.23 2. Qveen_Sacrifice - jlehocz
  4. 2021.02.23 3. jlehocz - Poseidon124
  1. mate_r
  2. ChMilan
  3. fatsara
  4. lehjoz

Englund Queen-Sac Gambit + Traps

8 • Cadorna100 •
  1. Queen-Sac Gambit: ...Bxe5
  2. 9...Nxe5 or 9...Bxe5? The best line?
  3. Fianchetto Attack
  4. 10.e3
  1. Cadorna100

Kilkenny Gambit: gibbins-wiedehagen gambit

26 • Cadorna100 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Ideas of the Gambit
  3. accepted: 3...d5 and 4...h5
  4. accepted: 3...d6
  1. luciferdevil01
  2. Cadorna100

Chess Opening Traps in Spanish / Ruy Lopez

4 • CM d-pawn •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chapter 4
  1. CM d-pawn