
Many unrelated features in 2.3.62

For this version you get:
- local evaluation chart - disabled by default, it will show you a chart of the moves that have a local eval associated with them. It's not persistent, though, so if you turn on local engine and you see the chart appear, then refresh the page, you are going to go through the moves again. The advantage is that it will chart the moves that led to your position, not only the mainline. You can also use it to determine the difference between server eval and your local engine.
- square coordinates on each square - this was a user request, it will hide the side coordinates and put a coordinate text on each square - a1 to h8
- sound options: disable move sound - I will add more stuff to it, so far you can choose a sound scheme and just disable the moves. It's a bit weird when you get a check, though and suddenly there is a sound.
- denormalize - the opposite of Normalize in PGN Editor
- press Backspace in ongoing correspondence games to go back to the current move.

I haven't had much time, so I implemented these as fast as I could, but didn't test them a lot. Please let me know of any bugs.

@TotalNoob69 said in #1:
> your local engine.
mine? not yours? how would I do that?

> - press Backspace in ongoing correspondence games to go back to the current move.
good idea.
So if you go to your games, a study, even analysis board and you turn on the engine on different moves, the eval for those moves will be charted But you have to enable the feature:

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