
Search "user:manyhued"

6 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Is Trump finally going down or do we have to suffer much longer?#178

In chess parlance, this impeachment inquiry is a spite check.

Off-Topic Discussion - You can save net neutrality#14

One has to peel away all the fear mongering to get to the bottom of this debate. Net Neutrality in the US, classifies internet traffic as a heavily regulated telecommunications service. Basically, eve…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess tactics history hack.#14

hack: a tip, trick, or efficient method for doing or managing something

Lichess Feedback - hiding player names in kid mode#23

There is a Chrome/Chromium extension that adds a checkbox at the top of the page that hides opponent information, rating, and spectator list. It may not work well for kid mode because the checkbox can…

General Chess Discussion - Favorite Chess Quotes#5

"Spielt Blackmar-Diemer-Gambit, und das Matt kommt von selbst!" ~Emil Joseph Diemer

Off-Topic Discussion - Jesus Christ Loves You#29

If you don't think Jesus loves you, just look at his hands and feet.
