
Is Trump finally going down or do we have to suffer much longer?

23. It is a well known fact that those people who most want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.

42 Of The Best Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Quotes |
Abuse of power
Obstruction of Congress

If you don't like Trump, it seems clear, if you like him, it is not clear at all.

He will not be impeached in the senate.

He might lose in 2020...
In chess parlance, this impeachment inquiry is a spite check.
So far all Trump has done is use the Bart Simpson defense:"I didn't do it....anyway there's no witnesses".(shades of Tricky Dicky Nixon)
That and slag off everyone who doesn't see him the way he obviously sees himself.
He may well survive the trial,but the American people will finally get to know the sad truth.
@manyhued ...also in chess parlance,Trump is a rage-quitter..refuses to resign in the face of doom.
@bunyip "the American people will finally get to know the sad truth" I find that statement funny since there is absolutely no proof of Trump doing anything wrong. All of America's politics is based off of people making assumptions earlier than they should. I once heard of a story that tells people not to assume too quickly:

There are people that live in a village, and the village has a boy. A tourist gives the boy a horse on the first day. (This seems happy)

The boy is riding the horse on the second day, but falls off and breaks his leg. (This seems sad and counters the first day)

The military shows up to take all well-abled boys on the third day, but his broken leg allows for him to stay. (This seems happy and counters the second day)

A lot of people enjoyed Trump when he was first elected (first day). Now, people believe that he has done many terrible things and should be impeached (second day). I think everyone needs to wait, as none of us know what the third day holds.

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