
Search "user:Xandawesome"

15 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Life moves pretty fast#24

This takes time scrambles to a whole new level XD

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Lichess Feedback - Some problems with Study#10

Ok I have a test study that I've been using and I have found a very clear pattern. First of all, comments and arrows getting deleted almost always coincide, which makes me think they are part of the s…

Lichess Feedback - Some problems with Study#7

I see. Yeah, I'm not sure if Lichess is aware of this problem. I hope it gets resolved soon though, as I'm finding studies virtually unusable with this issue.

Lichess Feedback - Some problems with Study#5

Hmm... I've been having the same problem. About a week ago I created a forum post describing that annotations I made, mainly arrows, were getting deleted seemingly randomly, with no rhyme or reason to…

Lichess Feedback - Arrows randomly disappearing from my studies upon refreshing#1

So I've noticed that recently every time I refresh one of my studies (Whether via the actual refresh button, going back to my profile and back in, or just by closing it and coming back to days later),…

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Lichess Feedback - Puzzle stats don't update#1

My puzzle rating is fine but the graph on the left has stopped updating whenever I complete puzzles and red/green boxes on the bottom that correspond to the different puzzles have stopped updating als…

Lichess Feedback - Variant Tactics#2

I've always wondered this. It would be fun to have it for different variants.

Lichess Feedback - bug with the correspondence variants#10

Exactly. I still see new games on the correspondence board that is rated and variant. And they are new games, they haven't been there for a while or anything. I mean I'm not complaining, I personally …
