
Arrows randomly disappearing from my studies upon refreshing

So I've noticed that recently every time I refresh one of my studies (Whether via the actual refresh button, going back to my profile and back in, or just by closing it and coming back to days later), some of the arrows and circles I have drawn mysteriously disappear. I've occasionally had this problem with studies before, but never to this extent. I would be fine just redrawing them back in and moving on, but now practically every time I go into a study, random arrows will have disappeared. And I do mean random. Different ones disappear every time I refresh, with seemingly no pattern to it. It's less the arrows themselves being cleared, and more that random positions are cleared, since anytime I navigate to a position, either all the arrows are still there, or none of them are there, no in-between. It feels as if every time I refresh a study it just chooses different strings of positions at random and clears all the markings made to it. Has anyone else had this problem? It's pretty bizarre.
Anything else you noticed? I haven’t experienced this problem, so I don’t know what to do about it. Anyone have ideas to solve the problem?

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