
Search "user:HSDSamalama"

35 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Everybody, who aborts a game, loses this game.#2

I play on touchscreen. So when i see a challenge I like, i click it. Some times it updates at the exact same time, so that my challengen i wanted is far more below and i click an other challenge by ac…

Lichess Feedback - Draw Offers with move number#2


General Chess Discussion - when you are happy for nothing#2

I have to admit thats an awesome Chessset! And the board*-*

Lichess Feedback - Put extra drawings for crazyhouse variant#2

I also had that idea! I would really love to see that.

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General Chess Discussion - Puzzle#4

The solution is: 1. Qh1+ Bg1 2. Qxg1+ Kxg1 3. Rxe1+ Rf1 4. Rxf1+ Kxf1 5. Ne3+ Kf2 6. Nxd5 c4 And there i played Ne7 and the computer evaluates the position equal to the soluten Nc3

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle#3

Oh sorry, forgot the link:

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle#1

After the whole combination I played Ne7 (-6.87) instead of Nc6 (-7.26) and had a Mistake. To my mind it isnt such a significant change, and no mistake at all. In addition after you saw the whole comb…

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