
Everybody, who aborts a game, loses this game.

There are so much aborters, when you create a game — they are so annoying. So we just conclude, that every aborted game is a loss for the one, who aborts it.
The reason, why losers abort games is simple: they can't use seek filters properly. But we all know, that deep in their mind they are afraid to play. They come and they are strongly scared, panicked, small.
If you too are annoyed by those, who abort your games, just remember in the case: you are meeting a regular loser, who is feared by your power. Be compassionate and let them run from the battlefield.
I play on touchscreen. So when i see a challenge I like, i click it.
Some times it updates at the exact same time, so that my challengen i wanted is far more below and i click an other challenge by accident.
So no, dont let it count as a loss.
I agree with HSDSamalama as I do the same thing with a mouse click.
By Chesstroll_Ingot, he should lose every game because he is afraid to play chess except for bullet, where speed and luck are more of the result than skill.
Use filters, or graphic view, and don't annoy people. If you misclick, it's your problem, be sorry. You bother other people, and yet you have impudence to blame them for expressing their discontent. What a meanness.
It's not my misclick, the screen changes on the downward press.
Not defending any position, I have detected a kind of pattern in players.

Generally when you see the red arrow of the guy abandoning the game before the start, he is assigned black pieces. So basically they create a game with a random assignment and then when they are assigned white, they play, when they are assigned black, they abandon before start.

Ingot has certain truth when he says here there is a high rate of cowards and "cheaters" The rate of people that click another match is minimum. Most cases people is abandoning on purpose and we all know it.

This fact merged with those who abandon the game when they have committed a blunder, instead of resigning, being honorable, (I treated this in another topic), makes the need of some kind of punishment to this players.

I think that can be solved by making all rated games random colored.
However this always occur with me in casual games. I see losers coming, aborting my game, and immediately they are playing a rated game. It clearly means, they don't want to play casual games, but they are too illiterate to make filter settings.
Even on a graph using the filters, if two games are close and one of them gets a partner, the second takes its place. There is always a chance of clicking on a game you did not intend.

I have waited for half a minute for a player to make the first move. Am I supposed to waste more time instead of aborting this game?

It is still strange you want to punish people who don't want to play you, when you refuse to play a real game of chess.

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