
The new pairing algorithm makes it hard for lower rated players

One of the side effects of the recent pairing algorithm changes in the tournaments is that it is difficult for lower rated players who are on a streak to maintain their streak. Any hopes of winning, or even coming 2nd or 3rd are quashed as the moment you start getting "somewhere" you get paired with one of the top dawgs and you lose the streak!

This is a non-complaint. Just a comment.
I'm not very familiar with the system, but isn't the idea of tournaments to get the best scorers paired against each others? If you get as a much lower rated player many poinst (including through streak or berzerker mode) then the system aknowledges you as a candidate for the first places. Meaning you have to fight amongst the top 10 to get your desired 2nd/3rd place (since it would be kind of strange to let you get to the top without you actually playing the top tier)
Another important point is, unfortunatly for you, all swiss pairing systems go for the top players. And in this tournaments the tops are constantly playing against each other. That's why the system gladly put you in if you come near their point range, so it won't be so monotone up there...
As I said, not a complaint. Just a comment. Its me bitching about it.

Logically, you are right. The system is good and I completely agree. It is how it should be...

On the plus side, an upset or two fetches me TONS of rating points. :D :D
The only thing I'm really irritated about is getting paired with the same top players many times in the tournament, even several times in the row.
How is the pairing algorithm actually working?

Shouldn't it be that you play the next player that is 'free' (and you haven't just played)?
@ #5
it happens all the time, that is, getting paired with one player twice in a row in a tournament...
i have also seen it on Kingscrushers stream and it happend to me a couple of times...
#6, Lol, I got NM Amazingoid 4 times in the row in that tournament :D

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