
Feature request: optional clock for tactics

Maybe just something in the settings that you can turn on and off, but a clock that counts up for tactics could be a pretty useful feature (not only for the curious, but also for people who want to spend no more than x minutes per puzzle)
I would like this feature for the exact reason you give, that I generally want to spend a limited time on each puzzle. I'd also want a button to reset the timer, for example when I start a puzzle but then look away, and now want to start the time again.

I can see good reasons why not to implement this feature, though. I like very much that lichess doesn't make puzzles time-related with bonuses for solving in whatever time, etc, and I think adding the timer would open the door to more time-related requests, and generally make things more complicated to maintain, for not all that much benefit, and perhaps being detrimental, getting people all lathered up about time and time-tracking and so on.

I use a separate timer program that works pretty well, but it *would* be convenient to have something built in.

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