
Random = Black

Whenever I create a game... human or computer... and I select random... I always get black. Statistically speaking, this is so unlikely. Could something be broken with lichess? I would like to play white once and a while so I don't forget openings...
Statistically it is justa as unlikely to get white in the first game, black in the second, white in the third and so on, you just wouldnt post about it. There is a reason you said its unlikely and not impossible.
I think it is approximately a 50/50 chance either way :D

You should get the black pieces ten times in a row once every 1024 games on average. Of course, someone always wins the lottery... in this case, it's your opponents :)
in that order also happens only 1 out of 1024 games on average. Of course, someone always loses the lottery... in this case, its you :)
Last 28 games as black first when choosing random and counting... really? Ok, w/e

Just realize the chances of this happening are 0.0000000003725%.

Can't believe not even 1 game as white when choosing random.
Correction: 0.00000003725%.

My bad... Should have taken off two zeros when presenting it that way.
This has very little to do with randomness. The option you're picking does not really mean "Random Color", but rather "Either Color". So when there's another opponent, who picked "White" for the same time controls, you'll be auto-paired with him / her. As plenty of people do choose White, you end up playing as Black a lot.
Wrong. You get paired with people who chose random color as well.

Are you saying that if you select "Random Color" you get paired _only_ with people that choose "Random Color" but not with people that choose "White"? If so, that's certainly not the case for I've been paired as Black many times in a row just like OP.

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