
You have got to be kidding.

I can't challenge a friend to a game, and use the site for other things while waiting for them to accept?!

I love the engine policing, but this one might be a dealbreaker. Sorry.
You can challenge people, open a new tab and do something else while waiting - just like most other chess websites.
Exactly, you can do multiple things while using multiple tabs. You can even play multiple games here.
Yeah, just open up a new tab. I do that all the time if the person I am playing is taking a LONG time. Or if I am waiting for some one to accept my challenge.
So messy, leaving a tab open just to help the site do something it ought to do on its own.
I've only ever met a few people who thought using a tab was difficult.. How old are you?
Well, moo, this is the internet, and I could tell you any age I want, couldn't I?

Where did you get 'difficult' from the above? It's not difficult. It's just poor site design. You shouldn't need to leave a tab open at all. Simple as that.
Oh, and I meant to add, this issue arose because I was trying to get a friend to play on here. He's a busy guy, so I really need to give him several days to do anything. Meanwhile, there are Windows Updates that demand reboots, and browser crashes that kill all tabs.

We started a game once, and it mysteriously disappeared. My recommending this site has made me look bad. I've now told him we should play somewhere else.
We are aware of this design flaw. But I would not expect it to be changed anytime soon. Source code is here if you want to do it yourself:

Sorry if it hurt your reputation. You are more than welcome to play on other places.
I'm sure they'll make sure to give you a refund as well.

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