
Advanced Search Addition/Puzzle Stats

A couple of features that I thought would be unnecessary but fun to have:

1. Allow a field in the advanced search so you can see your games against titled players (optional checkbox that says titled only maybe?)

2. Include some puzzle stats. Since puzzles are having work lately, that might be fun to see how many consecutive successes and failures you've had

Also, is the 10,000 puzzle trophy still being awarded? Working on that one :P
10k puzzle trophy is no longer awarded. Lots of people misused the puzzles feature just to get the trophy, and since there isn't a 10k limit any more there's even less of a reason to keep it.
Bummer. Guess I'll stop gunning for it. Thanks for the info
The puzzle stats probably aren't realistic. However, a tickbox that allows only titled players to be searched in the advanced search would be nice.

In the search, it would be interesting to have a field for ACL and allowing users to specify a range.

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