
Limit of 25 moves in opening explorer

I absolutely enjoy the opening explorer to quickly browse openings of my repertoire looking for alternatives/improvements.
Currently I am dealing with the Najdorf for the first time - having been a dragon addict for my whole life.
Doing this I encounter a limit in the opening explorer, that bothers me a little bit:
Heavily played (main) lines (maybe not only in the Najdorf) seem to have more or less "forced" or straight forward lines, that still have dozens of games (in the explorer using master database) atfer move 25.:
Unfortunately the opening explorer cuts everything after move 25.:
In these cases I am still interested in seeing the distribution of continuations and games beyond move 25. I understand, that it is an opening explorer - and the openings need to end somewhere... ;-)
But maybe there is a chance to extend it? For sure it is hard to tell to which move...
I just saw, that this topic was already addressed a year ago:
but not really clarified. Let me point to it again. ;-) The bigger the game databases get, the more interesting is a larger horizon.

Thanks for reading!

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