
Add a submit button?

I enjoy very much playing with your Android client. There is only one problem: slips are extremely common. They could be prevented with a submit button.
It exists for correspondence games already. (Make sure you're on the latest version.) I'm not sure if "always confirmation" is a setting for lichess on android, but check out the settings.
Lichess app misses some features:
- submit move option in real time games or turning it off in correspondence games
- reading messages sent on a desktop computer (imagine someone uses only the mobile app, and you sent him or her a link to a game).
Are you sure about the mobile app guys?
I play correspondence on mobile and all my moves are made instantly, without confirmation dialogs. The version is 2.0.0

Do I need to enable this somehow?
By the way @stefantelefan, you can read and send chat messages on mobile. Unless you are talking about a different feature
mietk #4:
The current version is 2.1.1 on my mobile.
The correspondence games's moves must be confirmed in this version (which is good, I personally appreciate it). But no option to disable it. You shouls update it, if it does not update automatically.

mietk #5:
Chat works fine during a game, on the mobile app.
But on a desktop version you can choose the option "send a message", when you enter the person's account, outside of any live game. And e.g. post the link to a new correspondence game.
The message can be read later by the person, on a browser version of lichess (on Chrome or Firefox or etc.), but not on the mobile app of lichess.
That is the missing feature - of sending a message with a link to the new game, to challenge the person for a correspondence, while the person is offline, for him to choose the link and enter the game later online.
I hope I described it somewhat clear.

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