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It's unfortunate that the name, when searched on Google, gets automatically changed to that of a certain female mammal. Perhaps a name change is in order. I don't have a lot of good suggestions off the top of my head, but maybe "ChessBit" is a reasonable option.

One way to combat cheating is to introduce novel variants that are revealed at the time of the tournament, as we did with the first ChessWhiz Cup for Episode 120. Its variant, Horde Chess, was not available on Lichess ahead of time, and was kept a secret until the event. It would take a bit of programming on the Lichess side to make the variants possible, though. I have some ideas for surprise variant rules. :-)

Of course, the question on everyone's mind is that all the prize money is too good to be true. I'm as curious as everyone else what the broader plans are, because free money cannot last forever. I'm personally a big bitcoin enthusiast, so it's a lot of fun to see a growing partnership between the chess and bitcoin communities.

Big thanks to DasKaninchen for making these exciting tournaments possible!
I noticed it on your stream ChessWhiz.

Actually I think it's kind of funny. Didn't expect so much talk about that.

Yesterday went like that:

"Where are the bitchess ?"
"I am here for the bitchess !"

Chessplayer take themselves way too serious so maybe it's exactly what we need here.

I think this is perfect for the chessbrah audience. The chess economy is not sustained by old people, we need to attract young people.
We are not welfare and it's a valid concern to question why we are doing it for free.

We work at least 12 hours a day on several bitcoin startups, so we are 100% invested in cryptocurrency. Basically we have no time for hobbies at all. LiChess is perfect for some games inbetween work.

So you can say we invest money into our hobby. It probably helps that neither of us is drinking alcohol or smoke cigarettes at all that's a big moneysaver as well.

As long we have our jobs and chess is our hobby we won't stop sponsoring tournaments !

I hope this is just the start. Perhaps we motivate other people / companies to organize tournaments even if it's commerical with ads. Nobody is taking chess serious because of this dumb engine paranoia.

Tomorrow when all tournaments are finished I will release an aftermath post on reddit and explain exactly step by step why engines are not a problem.

Here is the old post:

You see the bitcoin community. Tons of upvotes, they like innovation and appreciate the whole thing.

On the other side we have the /r/chess sub which is full of stubborn people full of paranoia / hate.

We need to change that.
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.
We going to organize tournaments in all variants which are offered by LiChess altough I have to check about Horde, this mode seems a bit fishy.

Pls elaborate.
I have the feeling Horde in one sided. It's just a feeling. I will talk with some players about it.
Well hang on tight, as you said the first one was a big success. Ads though?..

Horde is fairly even in its current version. Not just my experience feeling as a player. If you look at top players' games, they do win easily on both sides against 'lesser' opposition.
Would be nice if players needed to have like 2000 games played to enter this tournament so there would be no engine users and smurfs, just my opinion. Thanks BitChess for sponsoring these!

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