
What movie have you seen the most times?

I think I have likely seen Christmas movies the most...

It's a Wonderful Life
One of :

My Cousin Vinny (1992)
Grosse Pointe Blank (1997)
Nobody (2021)

Seen them all at least 20 times.
Well i have seen the movie "Goodfellas" quite a few times. I am not overly keen on the Movie its self, but Joe Pesci's character is hilarious throughout in my opinion so makes it worthwhile on occasion to watch it for laughs. "Crawl over here , like you do with the drinks." lol :).
I think I am about to learn a lot in here... haven't seen a lot of these movies already. :-D
Either Lord Of the Rings (Through necessity), or Harry Potter (Through necessity), or total bullshit.

"Hence, it's all bullshit."


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