
The Word Game

#226 One of the most frustrating things about humanity is that humans tend to do incorrect things because of what other people do, be it tradition, fashion or social pressure.

Any reasonable person with minimal knowledge will not transliterate that city as "Jericho"...just based on the word in 'Ivrit and a transliteration table. "Jericho" only appears when you have to accommodate how other people used to call this city because they did not directly transliterate 'Ivrit into English.
cat.. here it is in English so, even its right in any other language .. in English it is spelled "Jericho" and according to the rules you should say it this way or u're out!
People just hate to admit that their crowd can be wrong. Meowwwwww!

Good luck convincing people that "Tigris" is actually Dijlah and "Euphrates" is actually Furat or Furit. (I vote for Furat since most people along the river speak Arabi)
otherwise we start each and every type of language and dialect just to add whats not proper if we do this game in ENglish.
#234 This is just an incorrect transliteration into English which just needs to be rectified meowwwwww.

I believe that everything foreign should be directly transliterated as opposed to let customary names be used..otherwise we will live in a false reality..
#236 Well of course the game is not restricted to English..
There are only two restrictions:
1.Nothing can be repeated.
2.I, cat_person can only add one cat-related post and/or a post in my own conlang per page, otherwise I would be able to invent a conlang every post and claim it means "cat".

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