
The most underrated movie you've ever watched

For me, it's Midnight Special. I don't know how that movie wasn't a hit, minus the lack of dialogue. It is worth watching (and it's also free on YouTube now).
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Tough one. Don't know if I can give a definitive answer.

American History X was critically underrated when it came out.
La Belle et la Bete has basically been forgotten about by non-film nerds, because Disney did a version of it.
Hugo was brilliant, but I don't hear anyone talk about that much. KPAX was good too.
Seven Psychopaths was hilarious. Sam Rockwell was great in it.
Red Dragon and Manhunter were better than Silence of the Lambs
Messiah of Evil was a great horror movie (and it was made by the guys who did "Temple of Doom").
House on Haunted Hill was great fun.

Even looking at specific genres, it gets tricky. "Peeping Tom" and a few early gialli ("Blood and Black Lace", "Deep Red", "Bird with the Crystal Plummage") deserve to be in the same conversation as some of Hitchcock's thrillers .

Gun to my head, though, I'd go with "Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto". It's an Oscar-winning feature film about the dangers of fascism with compelling visuals, dark comedy, a great script, and inspired performances, yet is less famous than Howard the Duck.
Even now, the ever-popular Groundhog Day (the best movie ever made) is still under-rated, simply because so few have grasped its ultimate, bar-setting perfection. It isn't merely "good."
il@Noflaps said in #7:
> Even now, the ever-popular Groundhog Day (the best movie ever made) is still under-rated, simply because so few have grasped its ultimate, bar-setting perfection. It isn't merely "good."
@clousems said in #3:
> Tough one. Don't know if I can give a definitive answer.
> American History X was critically underrated when it came out.
> La Belle et la Bete has basically been forgotten about by non-film nerds, because Disney did a version of it.
> Hugo was brilliant, but I don't hear anyone talk about that much. KPAX was good too.
> Seven Psychopaths was hilarious. Sam Rockwell was great in it.
> Red Dragon and Manhunter were better than Silence of the Lambs
> Messiah of Evil was a great horror movie (and it was made by the guys who did "Temple of Doom").
> House on Haunted Hill was great fun.
> Even looking at specific genres, it gets tricky. "Peeping Tom" and a few early gialli ("Blood and Black Lace", "Deep Red", "Bird with the Crystal Plummage") deserve to be in the same conversation as some of Hitchcock's thrillers .
> Gun to my head, though, I'd go with "Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto". It's an Oscar-winning feature film about the dangers of fascism with compelling visuals, dark comedy, a great script, and inspired performances, yet is less famous than Howard the Duck.
I feel like you've watched every single movie in existence.

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