
Stunningly beautiful

@Oportunist said in #8:
> Mona Lisa painting

I never understood why people think it's beautiful. Perhaps I'm not capable of seeing it.
Christ’s sacrifice for sinful humanity!
@s2numbuq35i said in #11:
> I never understood why people think it's beautiful. Perhaps I'm not capable of seeing it.
People didn't really care until it got stolen and newspapers hyped it beyond belief. Now it's famous for being famous.
64kb intros
a newborn child
looking at the green light the sun produces when it breaks through the clouds
the crowd at wave gothic treffen
the "grosser mythen" mountain in switzerland (mountains and woods in general are beautiful places to be)
@Limey999 said in #17:
> An infinite universe

I personally find this thought to be depressing but different things for different ig.
I have always found M13 in Hercules to be a beautiful globular cluster. Viewing it gives me a feeling of falling into infinity.

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