
USCF tournament participant was banned. How do I know if he cheated during the tournament?

I ran a USCF tournament on LiChess Dec 4 - 6 2020. This week one of the participants was banned due to "violating terms of service". His last 4 games were in the tournament. How do I find out if he was banned due to cheating or something else and if cheating, was he cheating during any of the tournament games?
A first good indication is analyzing his games and checking if he has next to no mistakes, as well as looking for his moving times, many cheaters have unusually constant moving times as they just input the opponent move and play their move right after that
The question is why was he banned. It is possible he was banned for reasons other than cheating. Thus, I need more info from LiChess.
Correct me if I am wrong, but the question you really want to ask/care about is;
"Did account X cheat in games "ABCD".

Lichess won't answer that question, not even to the account owner.

"How do I find out if he was banned due to cheating"

The account owner can ask why they have a "violating terms of service" on their profile by using appeal and also contest such a mark there. You can ask them to share the result of an appeal with you.
@Cedur216 Yes, I read it and knew about techniques for cheat testing long before your statement. But even if I see a hint of cheating that doesn't guarantee that LiChess decided he did or didn't cheat. For all I know, the mark/label was due to verbal abuse in a chat session. Such things like verbal abuse that didn't happen during the tournament have no effect on the tournament.

LiChess has a very nice graphical feature for viewing move time consistency at a glance and his were not indicative of that type of cheating. He did make mistakes in some of his games and lost some of the games. Looking over them, at most two games could be in question. One of the games was critical in deciding tournament results.
#1 Well... the deal here is that I'm not sure if there is an answer.

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