
Not showing the percentile in the rating perf tab

It only displays rating now, no more percentage, as if it looks like the correspondence tab.
in your profile you can see your ranking but sadly not the percentage
The flat score or rating becomes exactly meaningless without the percentile. My rating of 1625 would be equally as impactful if 16.25 or 162500
Is it a bug that will be fixed or its never coming back? The ratings themselves without the percentage are kinda meaningless given the fluctuations over time, like 1500 used to be less than 50% but then it became more than 50% during the past year or so.
I also hope, that its only a bug and that lichess will bring the percentile back!
Checked the github repository and couldn't find any recent (within last two weeks) issue, pull request or commit that would indicate that it was removed on purpose. Thus there is a good chance that it's just an accidental regression.
@mkubecek said in #7:
> Checked the github repository and couldn't find any recent (within last two weeks) issue, pull request or commit that would indicate that it was removed on purpose. Thus there is a good chance that it's just an accidental regression.

Thank you, I hope so!
It was a important stat.I am posting for the first time in the forum because I think we lost a intéressant feature

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