
Game type

Just wondering if a feature could be added that blocked anons from casual games.. I want to play casual against someone who has an ello rating, but anon players keep wanting to play.
That feature already exists, it's called "rated games". Don't be a fucking pussy and play one, your already pathetic rating is not going to go much lower.
wow man you're so cool... Funny because you don't have an account.. or if you do you choose not to use it to respond. Your mom's the only "fucking pussy" I've ever heard of or seen. Take a hike buddy. Look who's talking about pathetic ratings..
i agree with password, it would be a nice feature, has already been suggested before though, dunno what came out of that
yeah,I suggested it to thibault in the topic Identity though the outcome was closing of my account.

chesscaptchas are awesome.
closing of account did not end ranting though...
It is ultimately up to Thibault. Glad some users agree.
I support this motion. I still remember the days (over 2 years back, before the Scala/Play Framework rewrite) when we were surprised to see 100 players online, and usually had 50 or 60 on at any given time.

Now Lichess is big enough to support something like this without stagnating.
I strongly disagree. A big part of lichess' awesomeness lies in the fact that you can play anonymously. However - compared to the number of rated game invitations available - the number of games you can join anonymously is rather low. If this feature were implemented, it would get lower still. Granted, some anonymous players' behavior leaves something to be desired, but that's a separate issue. Anon #2 in this thread is right - if you want to play against someone with rating, play a rated game (or look for a casual invitation from named player).

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